Bowel and lung cancer

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  • 176 subscribers

Hi, I'm new to this forum. I had surgery for bowel cancer eight weeks ago, no stoma, and have recovered really well. Shortly before the op I discovered I had a tumour on my lung also. I am now awaiting a lobectomy. However I was feeling really optimistic about it all and feeling good. Now I seem to have had a complete turnaround, I feel like I'm falling apart both physically and mentally. I'm tired,sore and really emotional. I just feel it's all caught up with me. Has anyone else been like this?

  • Hi  

    Welcome to the forum and well done on doing so well for so long . That’s a win for sure .

    One of my mum’s surgeons said even those with the best of defences hit a wall and become a bit depleted at times . But it is something with the right support that my mum got over . Macmillan offers six sessions of free counselling with Bupa , our helpline has the details if that appeals to you .

    My mum let time heal her . I would notice just before another procedure she would take her time to find her focus . Allow space to address her thoughts about going through another  surgery then one day she would announce she had found her focus and it was full steam ahead .

    Macmillan helpline staff are also there to chat too if you need someone to speak about it with .

    We are here on the forum to get you through .

    My mum had a wedge resection through vats on her lung . They made a small two inch incision under her armpit between two ribs . She was home two days later . I was dreading her going through it but because she was able to have a keyhole procedure recovery was great .

    Take care ,


    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000