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I have been told I have colon cancer. I’ve had colonoscopy,CT scan and ultrasound. 
tomorrow I see the consultant and would appreciate advice on what to expect and questions to ask.

I’m 84, widowed and live alone.

  • Hi  and a warm welcome to the board. The consultant will discuss a treatment plan with you so it’s helpful to have a pen and paper and someone with you if possible? The scans will have checked to see if there is any spread to other organs - when I was told my other organs were clear I was so relieved I zoned out for a bit but luckily my husband was still listening. If the tumour is in the rectal area then you may need a stoma and pre-operative treatment?

    Ive attached a link to a booklet that I was given at my first meeting which may give you an idea of what to expect and some suggestions for questions. I was introduced to my colorectal support nurse at my meeting and she had a chat with me afterwards to make sure I understood everything.

    I hope the meeting goes well and please update us? We’re all at different stages of treatment and recovery and happy to help and support you through yours

    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • Thank you so much Karen, your reply was so helpful and reassuring.

    according to my colonoscopy report my tumour is in the caecum.

    the booklet you gave the link to is most useful, I’ve had a good read and will print it off later.

    I’ll certainly keep you updated

  • This is my update as promised.

    I saw the consultant who was very reassuring, he’s going to do a right hemi coloscopy using key hole surgery. I hadn’t realised they were going to take out quite so much. The biopsy showed I had an unusual gene called  mismatch which scared me until the ct nurse explained it.

    I have surgery on 19th September. My friends are very supportive but living alone I find I do have down moments.

    I am finding this site helpful

  • I had a right hemicolectomy for cancer of the caecum on 28 September last year. I am 78. My surgery was done robotically and I was home after 4 days although my husband who is 83 was with me and we muddled along together. Although scary I was amazed how well the op went and I had phone calls every day from the colorectal nurses. I have my 1year scan tomorrow. I do hope everything goes well for you.

  • Thank you so much Jacqueline, I found your reply so reassuring.

    I am having laparoscopic surgery on 19th, and beginning to feel quite anxious. I can talk to my friends but really miss my late husband who was a good listener and instinctively understood.

    so pleased you are now a year on from your surgery and hope all was well with your scan

  • Sorry, predictive texting!! I typed jacby

  • I know this may not reassure you much but the surgery you’re having is relatively easy as far as my surgeon said, I had this back in 2022 and I was out of hospital four days later and recovered quite well, I’ve since had five more surgeries and I can honestly say the colon surgery was by far the easiest recovery.  I really hope everything goes well for you and wish you a speedy recovery 

  • Thank you so much. This blog is so reassuring.

    I think part of my concern is my age plus the fact that fortunately I have never had a hospital stay before. No problems, I’m a tough old bird.

    Hope you a re fully recovered from your further surgeries.