Positive FIT, but feeling ok (62F)

  • 9 replies
  • 180 subscribers

Hi, all! My mother (62) have positive i-FOBT test (FIT) and she is waiting for colonoscopy. (PREVIOUS FIT test was negative 1,5 years ago)

She is feeling fine - no other symptoms, if only occasionaly diarhera, when eating too much of something - for example apples, but that can be linked with medications for higher-sugar levels, because that started when she started taking those pills. She doesnt have diabetes, but she neeeds to take pills, so her sugar level stays ok.

She did blood test, everything is in normals levels. (Erythrocits and hemoglobin are ok, which indicates no anemia). When she was young, she worked as bus driver, and there was times when she couldnt get to WC, because of work, so she got frequent constipation which even stretched rectum, so now she never wait for going to toilet. I am pretty sure she has to have some hemorrhoids, because of that. 

I know that we just have to wait for colonoscopy, but just for peace of mind wanted to ask:

What do you think - is it (or how likely) colon cancer or some other condition? Because mostly I see on forums people who asks about fit + they have other symptoms, and even then mostly they dont have anything serious after colonoscopy, but my mom doesnt even have symptoms. Get what I mean?

I am optimistic in case of cancer, because even if she have it, than maybe it will be caught early stage (I / II). But some reassurance could be ok Slight smile

  • I am sorry, if wrong sections. Could admin move if needed?

  • Hi  It’s hard to advise whether it might be bowel cancer or not to be honest. If you’ve looked at previous posts then you’ve probably seen that only 1 in 10 colonoscopies results in a bowel cancer diagnosis. Blood in the stool can be caused by other things such as polyps, colitis, piles etc. but the colonoscopy will give a good idea of the issue. Bowel cancer is pretty slow growing so a clear test 18 months ago is promising.

    Hope your mum gets her appointment through soon and please keep us posted?

    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • Thank you Karen for reply! Yes, i agree that there is no other way to just wait and hope for the best.

    Yes, I will be update as soon as possible. For now colonoscopy date is 02.09, so a pretty anxious week ahead Slight smile

  • Hi sweetie. My FIT test was 121. No other symptoms. Had colonoscopy and they removed a large polyp. Found out last Wednesday I have bowel cancer. Been for a scan today and now waiting. Hope everything goes well but everyone on here has your back. Jan x

  • Oh, I am sorry for you, but i hope everything will be fine Slight smile Maybe you have only stage 1 or 2 which is pretty treatable as far as i know

    Did it was your first FIT test? Please tell about your story more - ok, no symptoms, but maybe family history ? 

  • Hi sweetie. There’s not much more I can add right now.  No family history just bad luck on my part. Certainly wasn’t in my life plan! As anyone and everyone will tell you it’s the waiting and your mind overthinking it all that’s the problem. Take care and please stay in touch. Jan x

  • Sorry for my asking, but how old are you? Slight smile 

  • Situation update: 

    All good. Slight smile In sigmoid colon was two benign small polips 2 mm and 3mm big, both got cut out and they even didnt send them to histology. + There also was sigmoid colon diverticulosis, so big chance that is result for positive FIT. Mother got praise for good job keeping colon cleeean before appoitment. She said that drinking colon cleaning medication day before wasnt even that bad. Gp give her Fortrans.

    Hope this helps someone :) 

  • Hi there , I also had positive fit test , my only symptom was small amount of blood , had a horrendous time waiting for scans biopsy etc ..to be told its rectal cancer , got appt through for weds to see consultant about treatment plan which is chemo and surgery later , im scared but also positive it was found early and its localised so not spread , hope you're feeling ok ..scary times xx