Bowel cancer

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  • 175 subscribers

Hello i dont know where to start 6 weeks ago my husband was told he had bowel cancer the consultant reassured us it was in a good place and surgey would cure this,after apet scan 6 weeks later we are told it has spread to the liver and now a stage 4 cancer chemo to start 9th september. Then a trip to the dentist my husband was put on a 2 week cancer referral for non healing ulcers in his mouth  how do i start to process this my husband is 51 years old this all seems so unfair

  • Sorry to hear this. If it's any comfort, I was also diagnosed stage 4 earlier this year at 37. I was told it's called stage 4 if it's spread anywhere. And without the spread, it may be classed a different number. And that's all it is. A number. Try not to concentrate on a number and just how your Husband's feeling each day. 

    Today, I was out for a walk and completely forgot I had the big C six months on from my initial diagnosis. And you can too. There will still be many more good days to share. 

    There are chemo options and radiotherapy options and also liver ablation/ surgery options, and trials. 

    Personally I had a chemo first, then radiotherapy, then I'm back on a different chemo before scans in a few weeks in a view to surgeries. 

    Each person has an individual treatment plan and you are also entitled to ask for second opinions if you're not sure. 

    It is unfair. And seems to be too common these days. But you can do this, one day at a time. 

  • Thankyou so much for replying im so sorry to hear you news your just so young my love goes to you all i think is stage 4 is a death sentence i feel like i am grieving for my husband,you never think it will happan to your family all i can focus on is getting him better for our daughters wedding in april but in the back of my mind im scared he wont be here

  • Try and stay positive. I know it's almost impossible and yes, when they told me I was stage 4, I literally asked them how long I had left. I thought in my head it was all over. But it's not. There's still so many treatment options available. What's got me through is realising no one knows what will happen the next day. And we are no different. You never know, maybe soon you'll have a day with good news. Best thing is patience with each other and sharing as many good moments as possible going ahead. 

    I don't know where you are but I'm available and there are local groups in the North west for extra support