worrying symptoms, awaiting next steps

  • 9 replies
  • 173 subscribers

Hi all

sorry if too much info!

I went to my GP yesterday after having diarrhoea and a couple of episodes of black/dark stool a couple of weeks ago. No fresh blood or pain, or weight loss. I have had some tiredness but to be honest I put it all down to stress, although I have no idea why the black stools. I've had bloods taken and GP did exam and bloods yesterday. Not sure yet if I'll need a colonoscopy although that was mentioned but I think they're going to check the stool samples and bloods first.

I'm apprehensive, to be honest, I put all the symptoms down to stress at work to be honest, I've always had a healthy gut but the black poop worried me. I don't drink or smoke and I consider myself to be pretty healthy!

Anyway, fingers crossed there's nothing to be worried about, I'm going to drop off my samples at the GP today.

  • I have had the diarrhoea for a few months, I guess I should have got it checked before but well I have now, so fingers crossed they can sort it out. I had no other symptoms so I just assumed it would resolve.

  • Hi  and a warm welcome to the board. It’s good that you’ve been to the doctors and the blood tests and FIR test results will determine the next steps. I recently had both done at my doctors and the results for both were back within a couple of days?

    Please keep us posted?

    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • thanks  I will do, fingers crossed it's nothing to worry about! I'm just back from dropping off the two sample pots, just wait now and hope for the best!

  • update, just checked my NHS app and all bloods normal, phew! Hope that’s a good sign!! just wait for poop to be analysed! fingers crossed all well!

  • Microbiology C&S sample came back clear, so great news there! Still waiting for Q-fit result, fingers crossed that will be ok too, still doesn’t explain the black stool episodes or the frequency/diarrhoea, I’m guessing it could just be a stress reaction?? but if the Q fit sample is normal, I guess I’ll never know! Shrug♀️, I don’t take iron or anything else supplement wise, I just have to try not to worry too much, Will just be great to get the all clear!! Fingers crossedFingers crossedFingers crossed

  • Ok so FIT test negative which is great news but on my nhs app when I looked at the results it said “this result should not be considered reassuring for this high risk group, consider onward referral according to RMS guidelines”?? So now what?? Has anyone else had this? I’m wondering why I’m classified as high risk, unless it is the black stool episode and the diarrhoea going on and on? 
    for now I’m just focusing on the fact that it’s a negative/normal result and take that as a good sign ! 
    Fingers crossedFingers crossedFingers crossed

  • Hi  Yes a negative fit test is good and, if I’m honest, I’m not sure what rms is apart from it standing for Referral Management System. Do you have any family history of bowel cancer? You could try ringing the support desk tomorrow and see if the6 have ani ideas? Why do these things always crop up at a weekend grrr x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • Nope no family history, fingers crossed they’re just crossing the t’s and dotting the i’s and as they call it in the trade, “safety netting” 

    I work for the NHS and I’m sure I can speak to someone in the nurses office next week, but I’ll phone my GP on Tuesday (bank holiday weekend!) and see what I can find out 

    yes RMS is the referral management system 

    the main thing is everything has come back clear!! Perhaps they’re just covering all the bases!! 

  • No news from GP, and I was still worrying about the "high risk" message and the "consider onward referral" so I managed to speak with one of the colorectal specialist nurses who has managed to reassure me but I should still phone my GP just to make sure all ok and keep an eye out for any further symptoms. She said the malaena possibly could indicate bleeding higher up in the digestive tract, I've been told by GP to double up on my reflux meds, and thankfully no further symptoms at present! 

    thanks everyone for your support and taking the time to read my posts, 

    wishing everyone well xxx