Now waiting

  • 2 replies
  • 177 subscribers

What a whirlwind, 3 weeks ago went to GP with symptoms of colon cancer, I was still not convinced when I went to see Dr it could be anything that bad!? … Now I have been turned inside out with every test going (I think) and waiting for results. I was told after colonoscopy that it was virtually 100% cancer, but would need rest of tests etc to certify. It’s Saturday and having a beer, trying to feel normal. Monday is the MDT I am told and Tuesday I have the meeting with Consultant to discuss diagnosis and hopefully a treatment plan. I am very grateful for the speed it has all been done at … but what a psychological whirlwind … anyway here is hoping for Tuesday 

  • Hello DaleC345,

    Welcome: there seems to be a lot of it about and the colonoscopy is usually the clincher. On these pages you will be in good company and if you have any queries - just ask. If you click on an individual's name in many vases you will see an account of their experiences and treatments to date. Just bear in mind that we are all different, but some of us follow a similar path to achieve a near-normal life again. You will meet a lot of experienced people in the NHS who will do their best for you. Oh, and perhaps avoid trawling the Internet worldwide for answers to your questions.


  • Hi Dale

    I received my normal poo testing kit (Scotland) in Nov 2017 traces of blood found, repeat test also showed blood traces....sent for colonoscopy...consultant found a mass ...told me there and then it was cancer...biopsies proved him right...anterior resection to remove tumour....monitored for the next 5 years then chemo or radio.

    Cancer drains us ...and our carers... mentally and physically...but there is light at the end of the tunnel.

    Try to keep Google to a minimum...just causes more worry.

    Take care and best of luck
