Just sunk in ….

  • 5 replies
  • 177 subscribers

Hi everyone, I didn’t expect to be typing on here 3 weeks ago. Having gone to the Doctors just under 3 weeks ago I have had bloods, colonoscopy and CT scan. MRI is in 4 days. When I had the colonoscopy I was told they had removed 4 polyps and come across a growth some 10-15 cm in. The Consultant said she was very sure it was cancerous and had also done a biopsy to confirm. To be honest it has taken 3 days to sink in and now all the questions have started to pop into my head. I am trying not to Google too many things as I know a lot won’t be necessarily relevant. Does anybody know how long after I have the MRI (last test, I think) before I hear anything and can try and gain some control over my thoughts? Thanks to anyone who can help.

  • Hi ,

      It's very scary, but I'd avoid Dr. Google as he's much more scary!

      I didn't have an MRI.  I have a CT scan on 11/02/2024 and then a colonscopy 2 weeks later.  The biopsy was taken at the colonoscopy, the nurses called the next day and said my MDT would be in 2 weeks, but in fact it was 3 weeks later that I got the formal results.  I then went to see the surgeon and Elphabella (the wicked witch of my colon) was removed on 08th April.  I started mop-up chemo in June and that's ongoing for a while now and that's the point at which the realisation that it was really cancer really kicked in and I cried and cried.

     I don't know if it's the same everywhere and I'm based in South Wales in case that helps.

    Take it easy on yourself, this is a difficult time with so many worries popping up,but take it one step at a time.

    Best wishes


  • Hi Dale 

    In 2017 I had a similar experience, traces of blood in poo led to a colonoscopy, mass found, consultant told me there and then he was pretty sure it was cancer, biopsy confirmed it, MRI to rule out spread then things moved very quickly, pre op, prepped for stoma (not needed) then anterior resection surgery.... luckily no chemo.... discharged from oncology in December 2022 after final colonoscopy.

    Worrying time but support will be put in place.....and yes Dr Google is of little help.... just causes more worry 

    Take care and best of luck 


  • Thankyou so much for sharing, your experience feels like a best case scenario to me at moment. The waiting just feels so disempowering. Appreciated.

  • Thank you for sharing. It has helped to hear the time line of your experience and I do hope that the rest of the chemo goes quickly and does the final job! 

  • Hi  and a warm welcome to the board. Yes the waiting for scan results and meetings is very stressful but once you have a plan in place then things will honestly feel a bit better.

    We do generally advise people to stay away from google as it can be out of date and misleading - there’s lots of information on here and the bowel cancer uk board and we’ll be happy to answer any questions and share experience - if you click on peoples names then their profile page may show their treatment to date. 
    I’ve attached a link to a booklet that I was given at my first meeting which can be helpful 


    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm