New Here - 12 months of Treatment - Lower Colon Cancer

  • 5 replies
  • 176 subscribers

Hello there, new here and i thought i would precis my 12 long months of treatment that might help others new to this.

In May 2023 i did my usual regular poo test for cancer. Was told there was blood in the stool so had to go for colonoscopy.

Was told that i had a tumour after the colonoscopy and would be referred to the Colorectal Team.

At the appointment with my surgeon was told thay they wanted to shrink the tumour before removing so radiotherapy and chemo for two months.

Lots of scans beforehand, all done quite quickly.

Radio and chemo last summer, side effects could be a bit grim so took two months off work especially as i gad to be at the hospital every weekday.

Once finished (Sept 23) told the tumour had shrunk but as much as they would like but still put f8rward for surgery.

Most likely a tempirary ileostomy for some months then a reversal.

Psyched myself up, pisitive thoughts, into the operation.

Woke to be told that operation stopped, a large mass found by the tumour not seen on scans. I lost it then, especially

as it was just before Christmas.

Reviewed again,more chemo (3 months, stronger dose, some IV) before surgery. This went on until April 2024 then put forward for surgery, loads of scan.

My surgeon was honest, said he only had one chance of removing it completely but said realistically now i would have a permanent colostomy.

Surgery at the start of July, still recovering with a deep wound from a drain. Stoma not too bad, getting used to it.

Good news is i had a phone call with biopsy results today. All removed and no lymph node problems. Its been a tough 12 months.

Psy hed myself up 

  • My apologies for the nonsense words and grammar at times. I cant find a way of editiing my post but hopefully 

    those reading will get the general idea.

  •   wow! What a 12 months you’ve had and Thankyou so much for sharing your experience. Are you coping with your colostomy ok? Brilliant news from the biopsy and hopefully you’re improving day by day from the op? Baby steps forward now and here’s to many more clear scans and results

    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • We could definately understand your post but just in case you want to edit any future ones you click on the More then Edit. You can then change things but it doesn’t look to have worked until you come out of the forum page and go back in if that makes sense! 

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • Thank you, all the other forums I use  have a visible edit button haha.

    In mitigation i was also using an Android tablet while lying on my side

    as i have a deep drain wound that is slowly healing.

    No sitting down for me !

    Regards, Iain.

  • Karen,

    In answer to your question......

    The colostomy is a bit of a black art, changing the bag etc. is easy, its managing the output and steering clear of the dreaded obstruction and other difficulties.

    Fortunately advice from the Stoma nurses is a phone call away.

    I am slowly getting stronger day by day but cant wait to be able to sit properly

    and get in the car again.

    I have neuropathy in my feet and sometimes fingers (numb, tingling etc) which I

    did have before the operation but it seems to have got worse.

    The medics view is that is caused by the upset in my pelvic area when removing the large mass. I'll talk to my surgeon about it when I see him in a couple of weeks.

    As you say, baby steps it is so easy to overdo things.

    My best wishes to everone here, acknowledging and talking about your fears is the first step.