Colonoscopy Polyp - Paris 1s and Kudo iii-L

  • 3 replies
  • 176 subscribers


I hope it’s okay to post here. Long story short, I have always has IBS and food intolerance issues but no allergies. I have had various tests and I am not coeliac, I do not have any IBDs (crohns/colitis), ulcers or diverticulitis. I don’t have internal haemorrhoids either. My symptoms were consistent with bowel cancer and my FIT result was 12.9… very low. However, there are alarming occasions when I fill the toilet bowl with fresh red blood and my bowel habits changed significantly, along with bloating, pain, etc.

I had a colonoscopy today and they removed 1 x 12mm polyp from my caecum and took 4 other biopsies and a few photos too. The nurses were mainly quiet through the procedure and so was I because I was so nervous and using gas and air. Afterwards, all the said was, “we removed 1 small polyp, no diverticulitis and you have a healthy bowel.
My Mum is coeliac with diverticulitis and so I half expected the latter.

they didn’t say much about the polyp but the report says, Paris 1s and Kudo iii-L. I looked this up of course and it says that those polyps are at higher risk of malignancy.

Has anyone any knowledge or personal experience of this and why would they take 4 biopsies if my bowel looked healthy?

Many thanks.

  • I should also add that I have been discharged from the 28 day pathway and my biopsy results might take 3 months to come back apparently.

  • Hi Lemonpie,

    I'm waiting for an op after a colonoscopy diagnosed cancer. They took two polyps and samples from a tumour in the caecum area. It was obvious to me that it didn't look right and the consultant said he was 99% certain it was cancer immediately following the procedure.

    I've been told it appears to be 'contained' and hasn't spread to lungs or liver. My op should have been on Tuesday but has been delayed in order to check a possible heart condition.

    My understanding is that cancer in this area is highly treatable as long as it's caught in the early stages. It sounds as though - even if the polyps show up as malignant - you are well ahead of the game.

    Good luck and try to make time for yourself during the wait.


  • Thank you so much for your response. I thought that too. Thank you so much for your reassurance. It’s very helpful.

    Hope your heart is good and the op comes through quickly Fingers crossed tone1