Hi, my illness was colon/ rectum cancer.had a resection a decade ago

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My only worry is I now have constant constipation. Only go the bathroom every 6/8 days, and only with meds. I eat a volume of fruit and veg, have joined life centre and do regular exercise. Anyone in same boat

  • Hi  I have the opposite so can’t offer any advice there but only going every 6-8 days must be very uncomfortable? Do you drink lots of water? Are you on any painkilling meds? I’ve heard that warm prune juice first thing can help with a clear out. 
    I think I would be tempted to consult my GP just to make sure that everything is ok  

    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • Thank you Karen I drink copious tea coffee water. , I’m not sure if my digestive system is worse than yours, I thank god fir being here, and feel ashamed that I moan about chronic constipation, See no evilt no I don’t feelpain , or in-fact any discomfort, it just frightens me that the docs are lovely but keep giving me boxes of “to go” meds. All they do is give me your problem then I wait another 8 days to take it again See no evilSee no evil