Start on the 2ww (2 week wait) pathway

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So following a few bouts of diarrhoea (several months apart) I decided to check with my GP.I am 62, with no other health issues that I am aware of. Almost without question stool samples and various extensive blood tests were ordered.  Calprotectin was higher than normal and FIT test was positive. Only other noticeable symptom was an extremely noisy stomach, liquid and sloshy.  Referred on the 2ww pathway and colonoscopy was booked.  Colonoscopy appointment was Wednesday 5 June - all targets hit pretty promptly.  However, having opted for sedation I was extremely disappointed when the procedure was abandoned. The notes refer to “difficulties encountered. Unresolved sigmoid loop” I was also unresponsive at one point during the sedation process (quite scared to read this after).  So, results state that although the scope wasn’t pushed too far, no evidence of cancer to this point.  I have been referred for Virtual CT colonoscopy and the appointment came through for next week (another prompt appointment). Just have to go through the prep again plus contrast dye this time.  Not quite as daunting, but I won’t get any results on the day (I believe) unlike after colonoscopy.  The waiting game is a tough one, but I am reassured by the experiences I have read here.  Onwards …

  • Hi  Oh that doesn’t sound to have been a very pleasant experience for you. I’ve not heard of an ‘unresolved sigmoid loop’ but a quick look on google seems to say that the bowel can sometimes have a few kinks and loops and it’s better for the person doing the colonoscopy to stop and not try and get through. I also read that it’s often linked to IBS? 
    The fact that they’ve not found evidence of any cancer so far is good news - the taking of more prep is not so good! 

    Please let us know how you get on?

    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • Update on 18 June. CT colonography appointment done. So much easier than the colonoscopy. Slight discomfort when bowel is inflated for scan, and odd “hot flush” sensation with the muscle relaxant, but done successfully in about 30 mins.  Procedure made much easier by radiographer who was very easy on the eye! (Even if I am old enough to be his mum!). Seriously, made easier as no sedation necessary, and again the staff were lovely.  Results hopefully in about a week or so.

  • Hi again.   So after what felt like a very long wait (5 weeks) I got my CT colonography results.  Extremely relieved and happy to say that ‘no evidence of cancer’ was found and no definite signs of colitis.  I was so anxious because of my extended bouts of diarrhoea and being placed on the CRC pathway after positive Fit results etc.  Just goes to show that not every result leads to a cancer diagnosis. The advice is strong, don’t ignore changes in your bowel habit, the system is set up to investigate and diagnose promptly.  
    I wish you all well on your journeys, I count myself as very lucky and realise that many don’t get to feel that way.  However, for those worrying or dealing with treatment stay strong, talk to your medical team, lean on your family and use the fabulous support available here to calm your anxieties.  Thank you for all the advice posted, it can be so reassuring.

  • Hi  and Thankyou for the update. That is fantastic news and reiterates that not all results lead to cancer. Hope you’re having a nice treat to celebrate?

    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm