Lung nodules

  • 7 replies
  • 177 subscribers

Hi there 

I wondered whether anyone had any words of encouragement/experience regarding small lung nodules. 

I was diagnosed with bowel cancer in 2020, have recovered from a number of major surgeries and chemo over the last few years and was really hopeful that I was done with it all! In May 2023 two tiny spots were found on a routine CT, my CEA levels remained low and so my consultant wasn’t concerned. In Aug 23, the two spots had grown a tiny amount and there were now three. CEA remained the same. I was given the option of 
watching and waiting or chemo and I opted for chemo to be on the safe safe and proactive. After 3 months of treatment the spots remained unchanged- this was the best outcome or so I was lead to believe as they were deemed to be insignificant and indeterminate. 

In May my CEAs had risen but were still in the normal range and as it had been almost 6 months since last CT, I was scanned again. The results of this CT showed that these little things had increased slightly - by a few mm. 

I’m now due to have a PET scan and will be referred to the Royal Brompton hospital- specialists in heart and lungs. I’m now absolutely fearing the worst but hoping for the best. 

I’m failing to understand why, if these things were anything sinister and related to the cancer I had, how they weren’t affected by 3 months of chemotherapy - that has proven to work. But, what else could it be? 

Just reaching out as I’m struggling to hold it together today. Thank you  

  • Hi  

    My mum has had both benign and malignant nodules. She has had disease since 2016 and the lung is often notoriously slow growing .

    They seem to gauge malignant tumours if they double in value so my mum had some that went from 2 to 4 mm . Once they got to 8 mm they did a pet scan . She had uptake and had one surgically removed . She previously has had a 7 mm nodule that was not cancer .

    There are even treatments like radio frequency ablation . She had ten months targeted therapy last year to shrink things down which they did . Not she is excluded on the terms of just being too frail at 82 . She did not run out of treatment options although still has disease . It still does not cause her any issues . Other age related problems do .

    They monitor carefully and intervene when required . This is her 81/2 years since the first nodule was treated but ten years since they popped up on the screen .

    It did trouble me greatly in the beginning but now we just batter on regardless at this age .

    Hope that gives you some hope but do go and meet with the specialist. It’s good to get all the information together to make an informed choice . 
    take care ,


    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • Thank you very much for your response. Best wishes to you and your Mum. I’m sure you’re a huge support to her 


    • Hi CTP. I'm Dave wr seem to have fairly similar issues I was diagnosed with bowel cancer in July 2022 had intense radiotherapy then chemo eventually surgery and had tumor and rectum/anus removed so permanent stoma.  Unfortunately my wife started feeling unwell November/December 2023 was diagnosed with with a 7.8cm lung tumor which very quickly spread to thyroid then bones then Kidneys and she passed away April 4th. I had been booked for a ct scan early March to check that bowel cancer had not returned which was fine but they found a nodule on right lung so had a pet scan and 15mm tumor which hadn't been there on last scan December 2022 so that and it lit up on scan plus previous cancer means they are 95%sure it's cancer and I am booked to have 40%of right lung removed next Tuesday  18th.  I know my tumor is small and should be fine I but can't help thinking that my dear wife passed in 4 months of diagnosis and it does worry me more than the bowel cancer did. It sounds as if the medics are not to worried about your nodules but I know how worrying it is waiting for scans and results. I hope you have a good result and they turn out to be to be non cancerous my surgeon said finding nodules is very common and 70% of them are harmless they are just sure of mine because of past history and it grew from nothing in 15 months perhaps if the nodules didn't respond to chemo could be because they aren't cancerous so chemo had no effect on them.please let us know  how it goes . Best of luck. Dave
  • All the best with your surgery  . You have had such a difficult few years . 
    Are you have keyhole surgery ?

    Mum was home two days later . It was so much easier than the bowel if you manage to get keyhole surgery .

    Take care ,


    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • Hi Summerdad

    iI am in a similar position to you only a little further along. 
    Picked up through the monitoring September then I chose to have the operation March 7th last year 

    Right top lob removed and segment bottom. In the bin. 
    I’m still improving  There’s lots of support in the lung group

    Good luck with it all. 

    Best wishes 


  • Hi Court I'm due for keyhole surgery next week so hopefully should be good recovery. Thanks for support it always helps. Dave

  • Thanks Artsie support is always appreciated. Dave