Waiting is a pain in ass

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  • 176 subscribers

Well got my accelerated 2 week pathway for a colonoscopy for next sunday ... got skin cancer exam 2 days before that and angiogram 2 days before that ..gonna be nuts. 

My bowels have been suspect since 2021 with diahoreah and constipation plus intemittent blood . But a few weeks back i started leaking blood ..a lot . It shocked me how much. 

Calpoprectin numbers make crohns and colitis unlikely ... leaving the obvious plus IBS coeliacs polyps àliens and diverticulitis... hard not to spwctulatw when your brain is very analytical..but i do know i feel ill ...cold and a bit weaker... hey just sounding off

Time will tell...but peace to all ... keep distracted.  

  • Hi  

    Welcome and feel free to sound off at any point .

    That is a very busy week of appointments for sure . It is very hard to keep the brain from going into overdrive. A patient once told me to keep the brain where the body is and don’t let it scoot off to worst case scenario. It took a lot of practice and a bit of a fail along the way but it did help .

    They all seem to have surfaced at once for you but but by bit we are here to support you as you work through each  test .

    Take care ,


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