? bowel cancer

  • 2 replies
  • 176 subscribers

lost my eldest daughter(39) last august to leukemia, now it seems at the same i time i started my own battle with cancer, at the moment its looking like colon cancer, i will find out for sure on thursday or friday this wk, had biopsy  which tested positive on a tumour in my chest, also have 2 on my head which they wont test just yet, scared is a understatement, family are scared as i have 10 grandchildren who might or might not carry the gene even though before the death of my daughter no one in the family had ever had cancer before, any advice would be fantastic. also dr i saw last week told me its treatable, but not curable.Like i needed to be told this

  • Hi  

    Firstly I am so sad to read of all the pain you have already endured with your daughter . That is heartbreaking.

    Bowel cancer that has spread still has lots of treatment options . My mum is thankfully still here and hers was spread at diagnosis over 14 years ago . 
    Have you got your treatment plan yet ?

    We are definitely here to support you . Have they suggested a genetic link . Bowel cancer has the odd genetic component but not too often .

    Take special care and we are here to answer any questions .

    We also have a helpline 0808 808 0000 and they might have some information on the genetic aspect .

    Court x 

    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • thank you for your comment, so far ive only seen one consultant and he was from breast cancer unit. No plan until next week, they are going to test for genetics, once they have definate origin of my tumours.so its wait another week or two before i hear any form of plan, as will be under a different consultant once they know what im dealing with, have been told its aggressive cancer, but things still take time, i feel fit and healthy, so lets hope i stay that way
