New diagnosed

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  • 175 subscribers

Hi… This is my first time here after being diagnosed last Thursday 22.02.24 with sigmoid cancer. This was picked up in bowel screen and after my colonoscopy on 15.02.24 it was found I have a 60mm tumour. I also have diverticular disease. This was a huge shock to me and I am having problems trying to process this, to the point I’m ignoring it’s actually happening. I had CT scan Friday last and am waiting for results, which I struggle with. I lost my husband suddenly in 2018 of cancer. I’m so confused right now. Not sure what’s right and what’s wrong. So thought I would reach out to others going through similar. I wish you all a lovely day! 

  • Hi  and a warm welcome to the board. Yes it can feel a bit unreal can’t it but it’s good that it’s been picked up. Bowel cancer is notoriously slow growing but very treatable and the treatment is evolving all the time even in the last 6 years since I was diagnosed.

    Once your scan results are back then the MDT (multi disciplinary team) will meet and decide on a treatment plan for you and once this is in place then things will honestly feel a bit better. 

    Please stay away from google - it can be scary and inaccurate - you can ask anything you like on here and the support desk is open 7 days a week if you want to chat to someone in person.

    I’ve attached a link to a booklet that I was given at my first meeting which may give you a bit of a heads up re terminology, treatment etc.

    Im sorry to hear that you lost your husband and hope you have friends and family around to support you through this. The next few months will be tough but we’re all at different stages of treatment and recovery on here and happy to support you through yours 

    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm