Newly diagnosed

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  • 183 subscribers

Hello I’m new to this group as I’ve just had a diagnosis of Colon cancer. I’m just looking for help and advice in a safe place. My husband and I haven’t told anyone else yet as waiting for CT scan. How do I keep my stress levels down. Any advice would be greatly appreciated 

  • Hello Beverly 39 I know most of what you're feeling I had colonostopy in July 2022 and waiting for scans and results is a absolute nightmare all I can say is take heart that bowel cancer is very slow growing so no need to panic to much even though I know it's very scary.  I went on to have radiotherapy then chemotherapy and Surgery but am now CANCER FREE . So it can work out fine. Although we are starting it all again now as my wife has incurable lung cancer which is much worse than mine ever was. So hold on to the thought that the first diagnosis doesn't have to bring your whole world crashing down it is one of the most curable cancers. I wish you luck and personally I think its best not to upset the rest of family until your sure I didn't tell anyone other than my wife for about 6 weeks we needed time to get our own heads right first. Good luck when you do tell others it helps to remind everyone that your partner is going through it as well. Sending you the very best of wishes. Dave 

  • Hello Summersdad thank you so much for your message. It has made me think a lot more positively now. I also got a text message this afternoon saying my scan is next Friday so at least I have something to focus on. Your advice about telling family makes good sense to me so thank you. I’m sorry to hear about your wife fortunately she has you with her. I realise that not everyone is as fortunate in that respect. Once again thank you and good luck   

  • Hi Beverley39 

    I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis.

    Keeping your anxiety at bay can be quite a challenge. The things I do that help are based on mindfulness techniques that help me focus only on what's in front of me. Examples are: colouring in, going for walks and counting my steps out loud as I go, puzzles that I need to really focus to solve, and yoga.

    I'm lucky that I have grandchildren and playing with them is also a great distraction. And, of course, there is the comfort of coming here and reading posts by people who I know are a part of my "tribe".

    The only other thing to say is stay off Google!

    Wishing you all the best,


  • Hi Angela thank you so much for your message. I shall try some of the mindful things you do. I do walk everyday if the weather allows and I must think about taking up painting again as that may help. I am trying to stay off google but it’s hard isn’t it. Many thanks again and I’m really pleased I found this community I feel it’s what I need right now. 

  • Hi  and a warm welcome to the board from me too. Yes the waiting for scan results and meetings is very stressful but all necessary to get the full picture for the experts. 
    Bowel cancer is notoriously slow growing but very treatable. Once you’ve had your results back and the experts have decided on a treatment plan then things will honestly feel a bit better - I was told at my meeting that they were treating me with a view to cure’ so I was able to tell family and friends this.

    Please do try and stay away from google - it can be scary and out of date and your thoughts can run away with you. You can ask anything you like on here - there is nothing too daft or embarrassing - and we’ll be happy to help and support you through your treatment. 

    I’ve attached a link to a booklet that I was given at my first meeting - some people like a heads up whereas others prefer to wait but it’s there if you want a read?

    Im glad youve found us here - we’re all at different stages of treatment and recovery and happy to help you through yours

    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • Hi Karen thank you so much for your message. I am getting so much comfort and support from this community in such a short time. Since posting I’ve actually talked to a nurse at the hospital and I’ve been given a date for my scan next Friday. That is scary but until I know more I can’t settle. I take on board your advice about Google it’s scary! Again thank you for getting in touch. X

  • I am still at the beginning of my cancer journey. Though never expected a beginning to take so long.Unamused

    I have found getting really fit and having a Mediterranean diet is about all I have control over, so is my focus.

    I have read operations go more smoothly and recovery is quicker for those that are fit. Also quality of life is improved. 

    I do breathing exercises, get some safe sunlight for vitamin D,  walk frequently during the day to have good circulation, trying to do stomach exercises (yuk),  ensure adequate nutrition. Have startCold sweat to work toward 300 minutes a week of sweaty level exercise but not there yet. Cold sweat

    But apart from giving myself the best chance the getting fit, the focus keeps me keep a more positive mindset. Well 95% of the time.

    All the reading on this cancer has taught me no two stories are the same. So many different trajectories so no point worrying to much until more is known. And I hope it is early stage and soon it be in the past for you. 

    Best wishes for you

  • Thank you for your message and your advice. I’ve always considered myself as fairly fit, but confess that all of this has made me stop so I’m going to get back into walking more and generally looking after myself. It’s the waiting that’s the hardest but we just have to go with the system. Well done you for keeping fit and positive and I hope your journey moves on soon. Take care

  • Hi Beverley39 

    I too have recently been confirmed as having bowel cancer.  My path was different.  My GP discovered the tumour on examination and it took some weeks to have the surgeon confirm it was cancer just three days ago.   All in three months.   

    Waiting and being patient is absolutely torture.   Please do not look to fill information vacuums with online research.   I found long country walks meditation and distractions good tools to help.  

    This is one of the most stressful times and worrying times please be kind to yourself and when you’re feeling low know there is a whole online community that can help support you.  Wishing you the very best.  

  • Hi Andrew Mc thank you so much for your message. Whilst none of us want to be in this position I am finding comfort in knowing there are others going through the same thing. It is the waiting that’s the worst as you can’t plan on next stages. I am getting out and about as much as possible and I’ve found doing my volunteering helps as it’s something normal. I wish you luck with your journey and hopefully we can continue to support others.