Waiting treatment date, so emotional

  • 10 replies
  • 180 subscribers

I have been diagnosed with rectual.cancer with a treatment plan of chemotherapy then chemo radiotherapy, then surgery resulting in a permanent stoma. So hard to take it all in.

Trying to be strong and positive but sometimes it is so hard. Typing this I am in tears, maybe it's good to let them out sometimes. 

Just waiting the date for my reatment so start. It seems like ages has gone by since I was given my treatment plan but it's only been a week. 

  • Hi  and a warm welcome to the board. Yes it’s good to have a little cry now and again and I’m glad that you’ve joined us, It sounds like you’re having the standard treatment for rectal cancer and hopefully once it starts then you’ll feel like you’re making inroads.

    I was diagnosed with rectal cancer in 2016 and had the same treatment. I’m still ‘no evidence of disease’ as are the 2 ladies that I became friends with going through the same. 2 of us had temporary stomas and the other has a permanent one. There’s lots of support on the Ileostomy and colostomy board when it gets to it but just focus on the next stage for now.

    If you let us know which chemo you’ll be having then we’ll be able to give you a few top tips and there’s lots of others on here going through similar treatment who will be happy to share advice

    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • Hello PJDob,

    Welcome to the club that people would prefer not to join!

    Yes, it is a shock initially and we all want things to happen at lightning speed. If it is necessary then it will be so, but otherwise let the colorectal team get on with their work (they have seen it all before). Colorectal cancer tends to develop slowly - unlike some other forms - and once you start a treatment plan you will be fighting back in good company. I had rectal cancer and now have two stomas; one is by choice. Certainly they take a little while to settle and get used to but ultimately a stoma will function well once you and your stoma nurse have arrived at the most comfortable and convenient solution to suit your personal circumstances.

    If you click on my name you will read a personal account of the pre-treatment and surgical process, with a sense of timescale. If you can keep busy it will help you to deal with life in the real world, not what might or might not happen. No-one can predict the future.


  • The chemo I will be having is FOLFOX . I will have a pump for 46 hours. I am also having a PICC line.

    Will have to learn to try and sleep in one position as at the moment I am a real fidget.

  • Hello PKDob...My heart goes out to you, its not easy when you are first diagnosed and you fear for the future, but as you will probably see on here lots of us have been through it, and have come out the other end.  I was the same as you, rectal cancer, so had to have chem/radiotherapy for 5 weeks, and then an operation leaving me with a permanent stoma.   To be honest, as you say, its hard to take it all in.  Once you start the treatment you will  hopefully on your way to recovery.  Looking back once I got started on the treatment the time flew by, and then the op.  Well, that was just over a year ago, and the stoma nurses are brilliant.  I have accepted it as part of my life now, and it does not stop me from doing anything.  I am a really fussy person, have always liked to keep myself looking presentable, so shower in the morning, change pouch, and that is it for the day.  Change again in the evening.  I know having a stoma sounds daunting, but really it is not.  I have a company called "Respond" that send me my supplies every month, they are brilliant.  They have a booklet they send me with all sorts of stories in there from people who have stomas (young and old), and how they have coped so well.  I wonder if you click on their website you may be able to see their little booklet.  The waiting is the worse, and if you feel like crying, have a good cry, get it out of your system.  Hope you have lots of friends and family to support you...wishing you all the best with your treatment, Stay positive xx

  • Hi, I was diagnosed with bowel cancer in Nov 2023…have had a temporary ileostomy, 5 days radiotherapy and currently on Folfox chemo for 6 cycles. After that I will have the op to remove the cancer and then the stoma reversal if the join is good. 

    The Picc line made my armpit ache initially but a hot water bottle eased it. It def helps with the IV and bloods as I don’t feel anything. But  I don’t like wearing the waterproof cover when showering as it feels like an oversized arm band!

    The pump can be annoying when sleeping but I seem to move it automatically when I turn over… I’m a fidget too!

    The stoma nurses are really supportive and I have got used to the pouches.

    The waiting time for results or treatment can be hard but there will be lots going on in the background. You will feel like you are having a rollercoaster of emotions and tears are good in this process too. Wishing you all the best for your treatment and this group is really supportive, don’t be afraid to ask anything!


  • Hi AlbaH,,

    I had my first chemo yesterday and first night with the pump last night. Wasn't as bad as I thought, like you said after awhile I moved it automatically when I turned over.Only nearly dropped it of the bed once Slight smile

    So the fight has now started and we are going to beat it.


  • Absolutely! I call my cancer the BST (Bloody Sh*tty Thing) and every treatment has been to kick its butt and beat it!!

    Well done on your first chemo and night with the pump!


  • Hi PJDob,
    I have just joined the community and can really empathise with your note. I too am awaiting Chemotherapy with a degree of trepidation. I am certainly finding this outlet helpful and I wish you all the luck in the world. 
    Take care


  • Hi Stu, I think most of us on here can empathise with you to.  The waiting, the uncertainty, your mind is in a turmoil, but once you get started on the treatment you know that this is the beginning of  hopefully a full recovery.   If you look back on some of the replies we all had the same sort of treatment and although not pleasant at times we all coped with it.  Looking back it is the thinking about is that is the worse, once you get started its not so bad.  I have noted that bowel cancer is the most slow growing cancer, and the most treatable cancer, so try and stay positive and am sure you will get through it. Kind Regards...

  • Hi MaryChar,

    thank you so much for lovely reply. It really is appreciated Heart
