Spread to a lymph node

  • 2 replies
  • 180 subscribers

Hi Everyone,

I think I have posted something before... Not sure how to just post something.

About a year ago I was very lucky to have had a diagnostic very small malignant polyp removed. However, in the biopsy report it said there was adenocarcinoma in the deep margins. My surgeon didn't want to operate. I sought a second opinion that turned out to be one of his mates, so it was hardly an independent view. I had sent this chap at the Royal Marsden a very detailed letter including my medical history and attached the biopsy report. He had just phoned the surgeon at George's and hadn't even read my letter.

So, 2 weeks ago I had a CT neck and abdo with contrast and an MRI of the rectum. Last Friday they called me in and there's a neoplasm in a lymph node near to the site of the polyp. They're hoping it's localised. I had a Pet Scan on Friday and I have a colonoscopy on Tuesday.

I suppose I just want someone to say don't worry the Pet Scan won't show anything else! The anxiety waiting for these tests and results is making me physically ill.

My GP is amazing. But it's so frustrating, my husband is seething. He thinks the surgeon has gambled with my life. I'm now going to have surgery that if I'd had a year ago It wouldn't have metastasized. My previous MRI was clear 6 months ago.

I do realise there's no future, haha focusing on the past but it is all rather bothersome.

Thank you for allowing me the space to vent! To everyone out there coping with cancer my best wishes and try to enjoy today. I plan on having a martini this evening!


  • Hi  

    You are doing great posting .

    Honestly it’s not often I read something and think “oh no” but I can see why your husband is upset . I don’t know enough to say it is a normal and sound clinical decision but I do think if it was a friend then you should have been offered a completely independent opinion .

    That to me is the whole point of trying to seek a second opinion .

    However to reassure you my mum has reactive lymph nodes twice . Seems that’s all they were and both times close to a tumour . So it still is entirely possible that’s the case for you . The Pet scan is good at helping in these situations.

    Either way I do sincerely wish you the very best with the surgery . We have a whole gang of people with lymph node involvement who are cured with surgery .

    Take care ,


    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • Hi Court,

    How very kind of you to reply. Thank you. 

    Wishing you and your mum the very best.
