Feel like I’m in limbo

  • 4 replies
  • 181 subscribers

Hi , I was told 2 days ago I have a tumour in my stigmoid colon and that it is cancer. I had the MRI the same day and CT scan the day after. I am such an emotional wreck as the will be discussing me in MDT next Thursday and I don’t have a prognosis yet. I’m planning on going back to work on Monday as I’ve been on holiday this week and really don’t know what to say or do ! I’m a community nurse so I should be able to process this better. How did you all deal with the first few weeks, I just keep crying when I wake up x

  • I went for a Gastroscopy yesterday expecting to be referred for hiatus hernia surgery and was completely blindsided by a stomach cancer/lymphoma diagnosis. I’ve managed to get a referral for a CT on Monday, but I’m completely overwhelmed- I’ve no idea what to expect, if this is likely to be a terminal diagnosis. I too just keep crying, I can’t sleep my mind is on turbo trying to think through everything. Thank you for this post, it made me feel less alone. 

  • Stay strong , I know we will get through it, it’s the not knowing that’s hard x I’m hoping one e I know what I’m looking at I can start to deal . It’s just so hard and raw at the moment x 

  • Hi  and  and a warm welcome to the board to you both. I’m really sorry Sunjunkie but I don’t know anything about stomach cancer but you could maybe copy and paste your post onto the stomach cancer page?

     Stomach cancer forum 

    The initial diagnosis comes as a shock but once there is a treatment plan in place then you will honestly feel a bit better. I held off telling people outside of my family until I’d met with the consultant so I was able to tell them what my treatment would be and that I was being treated with a ‘view to cure’. Please stay away from google - it can be scary and out of date - so stay on here and nhs sites. Try to stay with the facts and not let your mind runaway with what ifs - there’s lots of posts and advice on both the boards and if you click on people names then their profile page may show their treatment to date. The support desk on the number below is also there if you want to chat to someone?

    Col2 Bowel cancer is notoriously slow growing but very treatable. I’ve attached a link to a booklet that I was given at my first meeting which may give you a bit of a heads up? 


    We’re all at different stages of treatment and recovery on here and happy to help and support you through yours.

    Take care and please let us know how the MDT goes

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • Thank you Karen that’s made me feel so much better, I will have a look at the book and will definitely stay on here for support x