New Year, New diagnosis

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  • 182 subscribers

Feeling very overwhelmed after months of changes to bowel habits and a 2 weeks wait being provided for a colonoscopy on 12/1/24. I was diagnosed with colorectal cancer at age 51. The tumour was almost obstructing the bowel and I had surgery 11 days later and now on the road to recovery. 

MDT this Friday will provide information on next steps if needed. After a search for local groups I have found there aren't any for my cancer and feeling isolated and alone. Only lived in Torbay a couple of years and focus has been work and the children. I was widowed 11years ago and we are a tight unit but this news has been devastating for us all. 

Considering setting up a group but need any advice on how to get professionals involved as I know very little about my cancer but know I would benefit from talking to others in a safe setting. 

I have never cried so much, feel scared and my friends are not local and feel so isolated and alone. I don't want to lean in my young adult children too much as they are also struggling with my diagnosis after already losing one parent suddenly. 

Can anyone offer any guidance or support?

  • Hi  and a warm welcome to the board. It’s good to hear that you’re recovering well  but sometimes the shock kicks in afterwards doesn’t it? I think a lot of cancer support groups are general ones rather than for a specific type of cancer? I’ve had a quick look and there’s a cancer information and support centre at Torbay hospital so that may be a good starting point?

    There’s also a Macmillan buddies scheme where you can get support from someone who’s been through cancer treatment and can listen and offer support. The support desk on the number below would be happy to listen and point you in the right direction.

    Lastly and definately not least there’s us here on the board. We’re all at different stages of treatment and recovery and happy to help and support you through yours. It may be a little early in your journey to be setting up your own group just yet so if you’re happy to have an online group then we’re here for you.

    Hope this helps a bit and please let us know how the MDT meeting goes?

    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • Hi  Sooty 72 .  I have found comfort and support from this community online.  Please keep in touch and update us.   Sending you positivity and best wishes.  

  • Thank you. Appreciate your response.  Good luck with your own journey :)

  • Thank you. I have spoken to the lodge and there is a group for all but it's a physical activity that I'm not recovered enough for. There is only one other group and that is for people with breast cancer. I will look into the Macmillan buddies scheme. Hoping when I recover I could look to volunteer locally. I work with the homeless and have experience setting up groups for this sector, skills must be transferrable and will discuss with the lodge about potentially volunteering to have a group for colorectal patients in the future. 

    I am normally positive and have overcome a lot of adversity during my life, I must say this diagnosis was unexpected and has had a negative impact on my mental health. I am seeking appropriate support locally for this. You're right, it just hits you and overwhelms you when you leat expect it. I am positive I will recover and be well, but it's the uncertainty. 

  • Hi Sooty, Like you I am normally positive, and also like you overcome a lot, like most people, and I am sure you will overcome this setback, like I have.  I had chemo/radiotherapy and an operation just over a year ago, and I do know how you feel, you feel very much alone at times, as although I have lots of lovely family and friends close by, I was the one going through it, as of course they have their lives to lead and cannot think of me, or be with me day and night.  To be honest it is really early days for you, you have been through so much and your mind sometimes plays havoc.  Give it time and eventually once you get back to work things will improve.  After my op I thought "Will I ever get back to how I was before all this", and YES, I have got back to how I was.  I hardly think about it now (although I was left with a stoma, which is no problem).  So dry your tears, you have a lot of years ahead of you to enjoy with your children.

  • Hello, I am late to this but wanted to say I'm ever so sorry you've been going through all of this- and I hope you're recovering from surgery well. I live in London where there are more people but to be honest I think the online communities are great as especially when you are younger there just are not so many people locally to you in your situation and also people maybe do not have time to meet/ childcare etc but they can message online. I have found people here very kind and supportive. I do think though setting up a group in your area would surely be very positive but don't over stretch yourself- you need to look after you- but that could be a very positive way of meeting people and feeling like you're doing something if you do have time. 

    Meanwhile keep in touch and I hope the next steps are in place or will be soon and take very good care xx