
  • 6 replies
  • 181 subscribers

Hello All

Mum has been diagnosed with Colorectal Cancer 4 months ago. We've done 25 radiotherapy sessions and tomorrow is our first Chemotherapy session.

Scared doesn't come close........ the side effects she could have just seem so extensive and intrusive.


  • Hi  and a warm welcome to the board. Everyone reacts differently to chemo and I think sometimes the thought and reputation can be worse than the actual experience. Yes there are a lot of side effects but there are also a lot of pills and potions to combat them. Keep a diary of how she’s feeling then you can tell the nurses at the next appointment - if one antisickness tablet isn’t working then there are others that can be tried. It’s quite common to reduce the dosage if someone is really struggling or extend the infusion time. You will also be given a 24 hour helpline if you’re worried. 

    I’ve attached a link to a post that we have about chemo top tips as sometimes it helps to know what’s normal and how some side effects can be avoided. Make sure your mum is well wrapped up in this weather as the chemo can cause facial twitches and tingling so cover as much exposed skin as possible and maybe a warm drink if you’ve a bit of a drive home?


    Hope it goes well and please post if you’ve any questions/concerns 

    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • Thank you so much Karen. That checklist is being put to good use already!

  • Hi and welcome Diane. I was diagnosed with colon cancer in November and underwent emergency surgery. I started CAPOX chemotherapy on Friday, I’m tired at times and feel a little sick but that’s it so far. 

    I hope your mum’s first session went well and doesn’t cause her too many symptoms.

    Rachael x 

  • Hello Rachael

    It was actually a little traumatic. Mum had a "reaction" and needed oxygen. She lost thr ability to talk and swallow and at one point it was thought she might be having a stroke. But....... all good in the end and the staff on the Suite were tremendous. Warm drink and some calming down and we got home a short while ago.

    Thank you for reaching out xx

  • Hi  Oh gosh - that must have been frightening but glad to hear she’s ok now. It’s obviously not nice but not unheard of and hopefully they will take this into consideration at her next session and maybe slow the infusion down and let her sit for a while before leaving the unit?

    Thats the first iv down but no playing out in the snow for her

    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • Really is a harsh time of year to be going through treatment isn't it xx