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After finding blood in my stool and noticing that I'd been having more frequent bowel movements and not feeling empty after going to toilet my wife told me to go to the doctors. I did a FIT test and bloods which i was told my bloods were all normal but had a positive result for blood in my stool. I got urgently reffered for a colonoscopy where 8 biopsies were taken and got told i have a malignant tumour in my rectum with probable CRM invasion. I have also had CT and MRI scans done, so just waiting for the multidisciplinary team to discuss my case and then tell me, which hopefully wont be long now.

So obviously I've been overthinking everything and using Google alot Upside down. To me my FIT test result seems high, 718, even though my GP said he'd seen higher. But is this the case when there is a tumour present? And also is there a correlation between the FIT test result and what stage the cancer is, if that's what I'm sure I'm going to be told, I have?

  • After a year of putting up with very regular diarrhoea I saw my GP and had several FIT tests, plus further investigations for various diseases. All were returned as negative. My GP referred me for a colonoscopy and immediately a large, rectal tumour was discovered. From this it seems that the FIT test is not definitive and does not relate to a means of predicting the stages of cancer.