Rectal Cancer

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  • 182 subscribers

Hey fellow warriors - it’s hard to know where to start what to say ! 

I’m 5 weeks in to chemo radiation- just 3 days to do!! Trying to stay strong and not cry. 

1. I am red raw from top to tail and across my pelvis - not just red but purple black and blisters.

2. every bowel movement and pee hurts 

3. I have proctitis which is a horrible sticky discharge from both ends  and I am so scared this is permanent, I am using some tena pads to stop this soiling my clothes and sheets. 

4. I have morphine  but not used it yet as I have ibruprofen and paracetamol and quite honestly I’m scared of morphine! 

I just want to wish anyone else going through this all my love - this is not easy and I’ve cried a hundred times since February diagnosis. 

anyone go any advice on how long the healing takes after I finish ? The team said it’s going to get worse before better which made mw very afraid and nervous ! I’m bad enough now !! Surely it does not get worse ??? 

  • Hi Lagatha. Oh gosh that sounds so painful. I’ll be honest - I’ve not read of anyone having soreness as bad as that. Have the nurses been keeping an eye on your skin and giving you cream for it? Totally get what you’re saying about the morphine - I was given some after my hip replacement and took it back to the chemist unopened - if you can cope with the tablets then fine but if you need it then try just small doses to begin with?

    The radiotherapy continues working for several weeks after the actual treatment stops (hence the wait for scans) so I really hope it doesn’t get any worse for you. Are you using wet wipes after bowel movements? I bought some Patient Cleansing Dry Wipes online and used those when I got really sore - probably not great for the environment but a lot softer than toilet paper and larger than wipes.

    Sorry I’ve not been much help. Perhaps you could post in the Ask a Nurse section and see if they have any advice?

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    Karen x

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