Just diagnosed with rectal cancer with metastasis to the liver

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Hi, my cancer diagnosis came out of the blue, yes I had been tiered and I have been told by doctors that I had IBS, so I thought my stomached was due to me not being good enough with the diet ( and I am good) or it was due to heavy work load. I feel mentally ok but at the same time I find it hard to take it in and to adjust to the new life situation. I am so tiered and sleep and sleep… going to the bathroom is a nightmare… I hope to start my treatment soon. How are you all dealing with work, life, the gym and being social? I find it hard to set boundaries go take care of my self, any ideas or thoughts will be very much appreciated. 

  • Hi  ,

    Sorry you have found yourself here, it's a shock at the start but it will get easier once the treatment gets underway.  I was told I had piles for ages until the colonoscopy found the tumour and a few in my liver.  This was 2 and a half years ago, I was inoperable but I had a good response to chemo which led to a liver resection in Nov 21 and my liver has been clear since.

    I don't work at present as my boys were still very young when I was diagnosed but I did manage to home school on chemo!  My Onc told me the most important thing I could do is exercise.  I used to let myself have 1 week off when I'd just had the chemo and then exercise in the second week.  I often had to force myself but it always made be feel better and put me in a good place for surgery. 

    You will soon get into a rhythm and will learn what to expect and when so you can make plans for the good days.

    Wishing you well as you start to kick it's ass! Xx

  • Hi  

    Just want to welcome you to the forum . Can’t really answer your question as I am here for my mum when she was diagnosed with a spread back in 2009 . Treatment has allowed her to reach her 80s and whilst she does not do a full workout she still does some chair exercises and gets out most days .

    Click on my user name if you want to see how her team managed her liver spread . There are Centre of excellence for the liver and worthwhile consulting with them after your chemo cycles are completed.

    Take care ,


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