New to this group, Hi everyone...

  • 9 replies
  • 185 subscribers

Hi everyone,

I am new to this group , however I am a member of the Prostate Cancer Group along with the  Incurable Cancer Group.

Please feel free to read my profile.

I have locally aggressive prostate cancer, which is high range and incurable. and am currently 63 years old.

Gleason score of 9 (4+5) This has broken out and has spread to the lymph nodes deep in my pelvis.

All biopsy's taken on my TURP  operation came back with cancer.

I am due to see my oncologist on 07/03/2023 This will be my first six monthly check after finishing all my treatments in Sept 2022 

I have had Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy along with 2 years of Hormone injections.

I was first diagnosed on 01/09/2020

Why am I here !!

I have always had a rough time with urinating  but now the flow is good but wakes me frequently at night and I will ask my oncologist if she can refer me to my urologist.  

My bowels have however have steadily got worse since I completed my Radiotherapy in August 2021

I made an appointment with my GP on the advise of my specialist nurse.

For the last two months approximately I have had to wear pull up disposable pants  daily.

As I am soiling the pull ups with out feeling any need to move my bowels.

It is not a full blown poo but when I come to wipe myself it is such an oily mess of unformed stool and gloves are a must..

Other times I can have a bowel movement but it is formed buy small and narrow and at times I have been sick with bile.

My GP called me after he had done some stool tests and said both tests contained blood.

He said that he could not send me for a camera because of the blood thinner that I am taking.

He has put me on a two week pathway and fast tracked me to a consultant in the colorectal clinic and I see him on Monday coming.

I am not eating very well at the moment and this is worrying everyone at home.

I have left side abdominal pain which comes most days and I here my stomach making various noises.

Could anyone let me know of what to expect when I see the consultant my GP mentioned a CT scan. 

Remembering I have prostate cancer I get Fatigued daily and with this new issue just concede and retire to sleep.

Any advise of what to ask the consultant on Monday coming would be of great help.

Or any advise of what it may be would be welcome, as this is stopping me going out and doing social things etc .

Kind regards 


"You don't know how Strong you are,

until being Strong  is your only choice"

Bob Marley

  • Hi  

    Welcome to the bowel forum ! Sorry you had to join us .

    Normally with symptoms as you are presenting with the colorectal team like to see inside the colon to ensure there is nothing amiss . They may also have a good look at any recent scans . A lot of other conditions can cause bleeding in the bowel and only a very small percentage of them are actually due to bowel cancer .

    But they would want to get to the cause to resolve any bleeding .

    They should talk through with you all possible causes . Things like diverticulitis and colitis can cause some bleeding and have to be eliminated so they would go through all potential options and how to go about further investigations .

    You have endured a lot but we do see some gentlemen after radiotherapy who have developed bowel issues but definitely not all of them turn out to be another primary cancer .

    Bowel cancer as you are probably aware has many different treatments and good outcomes .

    We are however most definitely here to support you as you get this thoroughly investigated .

    Take care ,


    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • I expect that your GP was reluctant to put you forward for a Colonscopy, because of the rare possibility of 'nicking' your bowel by the inserted camera - which presumably wouldn't be feasible, due to the blood thinners you are currently taking.

    Therefore, you may possibly be offered a 'Virtual Colonoscopy,' which involves a short tube inside your rectum - which is pumped with air, whilst under a CT Scan. (This is a virtually painless procedure.) It's not as accurate as a Colonoscopy, but can show up anything suspicious within the bowel, which may need further investigation.

    Best wishes


  • Court

    Thank you for your information and kind words.

    I will keep you and others informed of what happens tomorrow.

    As the.other groups on this site everyone is so helpful and caring

    Kind regards 


  • Mariannw26

    Thanks for your help, I didn't know about the type of CT you mentioned

    It's so good to talk, it makes things easier.

    I am going to draw up a list of questions to ask the consultant today.

    I'll definitely be going with a pen and note pad.

    I'll keep you and Court informed.

    Kind regards 


  • Hi Spuduknow

    You may also like to ask them whether you'd be suitable for capsule colonoscopy (ie camera in tablet you swallow). Here is a link if you want to read more about it -

  • Just an update on my post and what's going on since my first post.

    Any advise would be most welcome.

    So the consultant did give me a colonoscopy two weeks ago today.


    I was given a report on the day and was told that hey had taken two polyps off and sent them away along with 8 biopsies, but not to worry.

    I was also told that I had "poor anal tone-hardly any"

    What does this mean ?

    I have a rough idea.

    Meanwhile I am still getting abdominal pain really low down from left to center. 

    I am really off my food as I have been for weeks now, so when I do feel like eating I do it then.

    My weight is dropping.

    I am still waiting for my results in full but don't know how long these will take.

    Any advise or pointers would be welcome.

    Hope this all makes sense.

    Take care 


    ""You don't know how Strong you are,

    Until being strong is your only choice"

    Bob Marley 

  • Hi Spud 

    Ive only just picked up your thread. I’ve been off myself having another issue sorted 

    You really are having a lot going on. My brother has just had his prostate start up again. He had radiotherapy three years ago then bloods showed an issue so he’s on hormone treatment. It’s wiping his energy levels too. He lives in Spain so summers no joke 

    When you had your colonoscopy you should have been given the colorectal nurses contact number. I found them really supportive and were able to tell me exactly what was happening. So they would be a good contact to get your results from

    Can you have three small meals a day with two meal supplements drinks? I found that gave me more energy. 

    Best wishes 


  • Hi Ann 

    Thank you for acknowledging my post.

    Yes I can do the meal you suggested.

    I will try it moving forward.

    I still have my Specialist nurse at hand at the hospital plus a 24 hour hotline.

    I am presuming the 

    " Poor anal tone"  I was told about is me not being able to feel stool coming until it's done.

    I am on 16mg of leperomide daily.

    I went to the supermarket this morning only to have another unannounced episode again.

    Hopefully my results from the consultant should be here soon, it's been two weeks since the biopsies were taken along with the polyps. 

    Thank you for your time replying

    Take care 



  • Hi Spud

    I presume that your team have checked that you’re not constipated with faecal incontinence as a colonoscopy would require the bowel to be cleared. 
    I find that I use loperamide sparingly as I was admitted after my reversal with a blockage. My consultant said that loperamide can cause hard lumps in the bowel so I only take if I have loose stools. However my bowel is anew since my LAR and Ileostomy reversal so I am still on toddler food 

    May be good to try a little and see what happens. Bowels are so sensitive.

    I hope you get some advice from your nurses please keep us updated 

    Take care
