illiostomy and dehydration

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  • 183 subscribers

Hi, my dad had bowel cancer last year which has returned and is now pressing against his stomach and pancreas. He was given an illiostomy as he became impacted and had emergency surgery 3 weeks ago. He is home now and  has been given months to live. He has been offered immunotherapy in 2 weeks but he has to be well to get it. He has a high output stoma so keeps getting dehydrated very quickly and his potassium levels are dangerously high. He hates going into hospital as he has to wait in a&e and he’s too unwell. The palliative team will hopefully come on Monday. I don’t know what to do to help before then. 

  • Hi . I was given diarolyte to have to rehydrate after diarrhoea- you can probably get it at the supermarket/chemist. When my potassium was low in hospital I was told that bananas and dark chocolate were good. My husband is a keen cyclist and made me up some of his energy drinks but I struggled to get them down to be honest. 
    You could also see if the support desk on here has any advice on the number at the bottom?

    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm