Endoscopy - removal of 25mm polyp

  • 8 replies
  • 180 subscribers

Hi - just got back from my endoscopy and thought I would check in with this group rather than spend any more time on Google.

I was referred for an urgent endoscopy due to a change in bowel habits and bleeding. They found a 25mm polyp in my upper rectum, which seemed to cause quite a reaction amongst the nurses and surgeon, along the lines of 'look at the size of that!'. No other polyps found, and it was successfully removed in two pieces. Now waiting for the results of the biopsy, although the surgeon said it appeared benign, but according to her would definitely have become malignant in two or three years.

Have to go back for a site check in three months, and another colonoscopy in a year's time.

Feeling a bit fed up, after having an invasive Basal cell skin cancer treated with radiotherapy last year. Can't help worrying!

Di x

  • Hi

    Waiting for biopsy results are indeed an emotional and stressful time. I hope all goes well for you. Hopefully, it won't be long until you get some clarity with the biopsy results. Please do keep us posted of the outcome. 

    I am also in a similar position waiting for biopsy results. I  had a colonoscopy and was informed the lesion  appeared to be malignant.  Waited about two weeks for consultation and biopsy results which were benign for a 50mm  low rectal lesion. However, because they couldn't get to the core and some parts of the lesion, having to have another colonoscopy next week for the lesion to be assessed again, to determine if the lesion  can be removed at endoscopy next week or to be considered for TAMIS procedure. Either way, the lesion has to be removed and further biopsies taken for assessment again.. , I'm trying to look on the brightside that it is being further assessed and  previous initial results are positive but it is an anxious waiting period nonetheless.  

  • Hi Rose - thanks for the kind words. It is good that your  biopsy was encouraging, but I know it is stressful waiting for further investigations. Hopefully there will be a positive outcome. I was really worried that I was wasting everyone's time, the symptoms were so vague, but the surgeon told me it was good to get things checked out early.

    Do let me know how you get on x

  • After waiting a month I phoned the colorectal nurse and she was surprised no one had got back to me. Told me over the phone that there were abnormal cells in the polyp but it wasn't yet malignant, which was a relief. Endoscopy in two months to check the site, then another colonoscopy next year.

  • Hi Didi60

    Its great news.

    Thank goodness that it was treated and binned in time and that you will be monitored 

    You should celebrate in a way that you will enjoy. 


  • Hi, how did your follow up appointment go. I have a similar situation, where exactly 25mm polyp was removed from rectum area. Dr said it is benign but still waiting for test results. I am feeling anxious. 

  • Hi - I know it can be nerve shredding to wait for biopsy results, hopefully it will come  through soon.

    The polyp I had was an adenocarcinoma, and the doctor correctly identified it at the time, which was confirmed by the biopsy result. She said that if it had been left another couple of years it would have developed into a cancer. I had a follow-up exam three months later, then another colonoscopy two years after that. Everything was fine. The good news is that your polyp is in the bin and can't bother you any more! Di x

  • Thank you it is reassuring. I am trying not to google any horrible stories, but my mind is not listening to me. But stories like yours is a positive sign. 

  • Dr Google is not your friend! Keep well away! 

    Let us know how it goes Di x