New diagnosis

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  • 164 subscribers

Hi All.  Had colonscopy on Friday after positive bowel cancer screening test, suspicious polyps, biopsies taken, urgent CT scan.  I'm terrified but trying to stay positive.  I'm 62 and have never been in hospital (save when I had my three gorgeous sons) and never had any treatment before.  Not sleeping so waiting for call from GP to maybe prescribe something other than chamomile tea - especially if the MDT reveals something sinister.  Does this situation sound familiar and how are you doing now?  Hubby has been amazingly supportive as have our boys.

  • So I need chemotherapy! I’m so sad/gutted/angry.

    5/18 lymph nodes had signs of seeding.

    I know the chemo will make sure that it doesn’t come back but ...
    i’m terrified of chemo.

  • Aww - Sending you a big hug. I know it’s not the result that you were hoping for especially when you’re still recovering from your op. Yes chemo is a necessary evil but you’ve come so far it would be a shame not to put the belt and braces on it? It may be that those 5 were the only ones affected but is it a gamble you want to take? 

    Hopefully when you meet with the oncologist they will be able to tell you how much benefit the chemo will give you. It’s not great but it is doable. There are a lot of side effects but there are also a lot of remedies too and the doseage can be tweaked. Please remember too that you can give it a go and, if you really can’t tolerate it, then say that you want to stop. 

    At the end of the day it’s your decision and one that you have to live with and be happy with. If there’s anything in particular that you’re terrified of then please post and we’ll see if we can help you with it.

    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • Thank you. I’m definitely going for it. I have to do it, like you say, for peace of mind.

    I just feel like I’m getting myself better from the surgery to make my self ill with chemo.

    All I see of chemo is sickness and you lose your hair! We’ve been lucky enough not to have to deal with cancer in our family till now. It’s a whole new world we know nothing about.

  • Hi I had oxaliplatin iv and capecitabine in tablet form and didn’t have any hair loss x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • , try the chemo, but if it becomes a real burden you are able to say 'no more' and say it knowing you have tried. Mine was probably a different chemo, and I came close to giving up. In the end I'd say to myself, just one more week. And then finally there were no more!

    I too had no hair loss, no real nausea, just incredible fatigue as the week clocked by. 

  • Hi I just got diagnosed last week. Monday we get a treatment plan. My question is how is everyone dealing with the pain?

  • Hi , I had 7 treatments of Folfox/5FU which was infused over 3 hours via a portocath (then a PICC line after the portocath failed), then I had a pump at home for 48 hours. I felt very tired for the first few days after treatment and the nausea was always worse for the first three days, but the anti-sickness tablets really helped. I had some neuropathy in my hands and feet and also my face in cold winds and learnt to always wrap up warm, use gloves when taking things out of the fridge and drink water at room temperature. My hair thinned but I kept plenty. It's not an easy treatment but definitely worth doing, I had 7 out of 25 lymph nodes with cancer cells and am glad I had the treatment, I've just had clear scans for the second year. Take one day at a time. Good luck!

  • I’ve put my positive pants on today  

    I need the peace of mind the chemo will give me.