Post treatment anxiety/recurrence fears

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I am 4 months post chemotherapy following a right hemicolectomy (surgery June 2024, no stoma). I have recently returned to work but in the last 1/2 weeks i have been experiencing the following symptoms; mild lower abdominal discomfort with frequent gurgling noise in my stomach followed by wind, I am passing stools normal but had one isolated incident last week where I noticed a bright red streak of blood on the toilet paper but not in the stool - I have spoken to my cancer team and they seemed unconcerned and suggested possible pile, fissure, however advised to continue to monitor and if the symptoms continued or worsened to get back in touch. My GP has asked me to do another FIT test which is filling me with anxiety (as this was how the cancer was discovered). Since the blood in stools incident I am frequently checking my stools for signs of blood or any other changes (everything seems ok, no signs of blood or changes in stools) and fearful that cancer has returned. Lots has happened in recent weeks e.g. return to work, travelling abroad and general anxiety about returning to work, so unsure if all this could be contributing to my symptoms. I feel ok in myself, eating well and not lost weight but with all the anxiety I've not been sleeping well, worried that the cancer has returned and having recently felt positive about the future now feel really down and fearful that it will be another step back. I'm not sure if anyone else has experienced or experiencing similar but any words of advice or support would be much appreciated? I'm trying to remain positive and will go ahead and do the FIT test but I'm so fearful that the cancer has recurred