Secondary lung metastases

  • 4 replies
  • 129 subscribers

Hi all, hope you're all doing okay. 

Question for anyone that's had secondary lung tumours / legions. 

I'm experiencing a sharp pain tonight in my chest. But I've never had chest pains so I have nothing to base it on. 

I know I have multiple small legions in my lungs but I'm worried about the pains. 

Have you every experienced lung pains? Is there anything I can do about it? 

My chemo is only next Thursday, over a week away and I'm getting myself worked up a bit. 



  • Hi  

    It's definitely worth seeking medical advice . Particularly on chemo . Infections and blood clots also have to be excluded .

    It’s worthwhile phoning the nhs out of hours service . 
    Better safe than sorry .

    Take care and I hope you get better soon.


    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • Thank you, hopefully I'm just panicking a bit and everythings okay. I'll phone up and have a rest Pray

  • Hi  Have you been given a 24 hour chemo support number for your hospital? I was given one and told that it wasn’t just for emergencies but to ring if I was worried about anything at all? 

    Hope you managed to speak to someone 

    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • Hi Neilio57

    I had 3 secondary lung metastases about 2 and a half years ago the issue I had was that the oncologist wanted to wait for them to get bigger so that the surgeon could find them in my lung which is similar to a sponge inside. I didnt have any symptoms and it was picked up in my regular scans. Surgery went well with the only issue being the lung reinflating which was roughly 2 days for me. Post operation the surgeon was basically giving himself an oscar for being so good at removing 2 metastases when I pointed out there were 3. My final one was removed with ablation and that went well. That was over 2 years ago and my lungs have been clear since.Good luck, put your trust in the professionals but check your information as well.