colon cancer

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  • 130 subscribers

I had my operation for colon cancer over a year ago now. For the first month I didn't dare to leave my upstairs bedroom as the diarrhea was so bad (12) times a day at times that I would not have been able to make it to our upstairs toilet in time as I have mobility problems (arthritis in feet and back) and no downstairs loo. I contacted the hospital and they told me to request Loperamide from my doctors surgery at first they refused so the hospital had to get in touch with them so I eventually got the Loperamide, luckily I had a husband to collect them as could not have done so myself without having an accident.

It's over a year now and I've tried all kinds of food but  it seems to have the same negative effect what-ever I eat. I've managed to cut down on the Loperamide from 8 per day and some times I have a reasonable day going only two to three times. No matter what I eat most times I have pain like a toothache in my gut and loads of grumbling as soon as the food reaches my stomach it often starts!  Within 15min to 45 mins I have to rush upstairs to the loo. I rarely have a normal stool although I sometimes have a day of near normal stools only to go back to diarrhea.
I'm frightened to go out unless it's a long time after I've eaten, I won't eat out or at anyone's house too embarrassing!  We had to cancel our last years little holiday and my husband has booked one for this year and I'm so worried I'll ruin it  for him and our little Staffie by hanging around at our holiday accommodation for ages after eating to be more confident of going out or that I'll have an accident whilst out trying to find a loo quickly enough.

Does anyone else on here have this sort of problem and could give me some advise please


  • Hi  and a warm welcome to the board. I’m not sure what operation you had but this sounds like LARS (low anterior resection syndrome) and the frequent toilet trips are called clustering. You could google this as I’m not allowed to list links to sites not authorised by macmillan? 
    I can totally relate to how you feel as I have the same after my evening meal - rumblings and grumbling then multiple trips to the toilet. I’ve no magic cure I’m afraid but here a few tips

    Take your loperamide about 30 minutes before your meal. Try to have several small meals a day rather than a big evening meal. Do not drink during your meal. Practice anail sphincter exercises to enable you to control the urge to go until you’re near a toilet. As you’ve had some of your colon removed you’ll find that food moves through more quickly meaning that less water is absorbed resulting in loose stools. Loperamide slows this down so if you need to take 8 a day then do, 

    Ive attached some links below which may be helpful?

    I hope some of these help

    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  •   Something else that could be worth reading up on to see if it fits your situation is acid bile absorption?

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • Thank you for the thought but my problem is that the very  little colon I have left isn't doing it's job, therefore creating painful  gas and bloating, 

  • Thank you for your reply I found the video's very interesting. I had a very large part of my large colon removed they thought I might have to have a stoma but they managed without doing so. I don't think I am taking enough of the Loperamide so will try going back to taking more I was trying to wean myself off of them as I thought that was the way to go. The reason being my local doctors don't seem to like prescribing them to me. I also eat a lot of vegetables as I thought that was the healthiest thing to do, so maybe a few less of them. Anyway thank you so much for the video's and if things do not improve I will get in touch with the medical team numbers given to me by the hospital I just didn't want to be a nuisance to them.

  • Glad you found the video helpful. It might be worth keeping a food diary to see if there are any triggers although I must admit it’s not really helped me. I order my own loperamide online so I always have a good amount in stock x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • I had left and right colon removed left with just 20 cms of colon now.

    After second op was warned that going to toilet would be 10 times a day, was prescribed loperamide and codeine had some control but had to keep upping the dosage, lots of issues going to toilet actually got constipation at one point which caused a large cut in my rectum, the pain unbearable even morphine struggled to control it.

    Southampton hospital set up a special after care clinic to deal with these issues which was amazing, they got the cut repaired with special creams, then they took me off loperamide and codeine took away all the creams and said that these were the problems.

    They put me on a special white diet with very little fibre and put me on a tablet colesevelam 6 tablets a day.

    This has changed my life going to toilet 3-4 times a day with plenty of warning when I need to go.

    They warned me yes my toilet would be loose and always would be but to keep healthy drink plenty of water every day and would you believe eat two bananas a day.

    Hope this helps

  • It's quite something adjusting isn't it? I am only a week post op but certainly couldn't leave the house currently! As soon as I eat have to dash to toilet. Luckily am OK overnight.  Had a right hemicolectomy so I guess the water absorption is all off. I ate loads of vegetables and salads and pulses before, keeping it pretty low fibre currently but it's still bad.

    Hopefully the bowel nurse will ring and I can tap into some help.x

  • I realize you don't have a stoma, but look up recommended foods for slowing output from a stoma. They may help you... applesauce, bananas, smooth peanut butter, marshmallows are some. Many of these lists also tell you what foods may make it worse. 

    I ended up with a colonostomy which has really been a blessing. Ive also struggled with watery output that can come on quite suddenly. Fortunately the bag gives me time to find a toilet. I'd be a complete mess if I had to go the usual way. 

    I'll admit I've had no luck slowing my output either with foods or loperamide. But these things work for some people.  It's worth a try.