Sore bum!

  • 5 replies
  • 132 subscribers


i had a resection on a rectal cancer on Tuesday. Operation went well although a bit trickier than they expected (of course it was!) With increased bowel movements my bum is quite sore and red. Any guidance on what I can put on, bearing in my how often I am cleaning myself? 

  • Hi  Good to hear that the op went well. Yes your bottom can get very sore with all the visits to the toilet. I use quilted toilet paper and then baby wipes with aloe vera. Any nappy cream will help soothe things and if things get really sore then haemoroid cream can help as it has a slightly anaethitising effect.

    Fyi - Tesco have a good offer on Huggies wipes for club card holders £7.50 for 12 packs if you have room to store a box full!

    Take care

    Karen x 

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • Hi  it’s horrible, isn’t it! I use  Cavilon. Helps to protect the area and soothes it. Xx

    Onwards and flatwards (don't do hills) and keep walking if you can!

  • Thank you for top tips….I found some sudicrem at the back of the medicine cupboard and that did the trick! 

  • Hi, I am new to this forum although i have had biwel csncer with mets since 2016. I suffer so badly with piles, which have now been banded. On a day when the skin is sore i was metanium nappy cream. It is so good, also i sit on a foam ring with i find helps.