Colon cancer

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Had surgery last year and finished chemo tablets on 2nd January. Feel worse now than when I was on tablets. Now have a very bad UTI and had to go to hospital yesterday, discharged with antibiotics bPensive got bloods done and they have said my enzymes in liver are high. Doctor was not great in A&E. Waiting on oncologist calling me as hospital said I need an ultrasound. Spoke briefly to oncologist nurPensive yesterday when I asked her when I would get my CT scan after finishing tablets she said 4 months, was previously told 5-6 weeks. Really worried about liver. Anybody else having problems. Thanks Pensive

  • Hi  

    Just checking I have read this properly . You have just finished your chemo tablets in Jan this year ?

    Liver enzymes are frequently pushed up by chemo . My understanding is this is quite common . There is still an acceptable level they can work with , sometimes if it pushes past this they delay chemo for a week or two for it to come back down .

    My mum always had one that stayed a bit raised . 
    Given you have just finished chemo you need time for things to heal . Chemo is a big hit . That’s why surgery post chemo is delayed often around the six week mark to allow some healing .

    Whilst A and E is a very important speciality they do not the working knowledge of you that the oncologist has and they know their speciality best . They may have been at this level for a while and not overly concerned . The other thing you can do is contact your Gp and explain what happened and how it made you feel . They can talk  it through with you from a clinical point of view .

    The other reassuring thing you could do is phone the Macmillan helpline . 0808 808 0000 . They have nurses with experience in all things chemo who could talk it through with you and have more insight than I have .

    Take care ,


    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000