Anxiety and panic attacks

  • 4 replies
  • 129 subscribers

Hi. I'm new to this forum. I have rectal cancer. Had radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Only had 3 out of the 4 cycles of chemo cos of side effects. Worried how will that affect the outcome. Anxious about upcoming scans but hopefully I'll be able to have surgery. How do people cope mentally with all the waiting? 

  • Hello- I know the anxiety and panic can be awful, no getting away from that.  I won't say I am perfect with it but I sometimes manage to cope better by just enjoying things on days that aren't hospital related.  I'll get a scan over with and do something I enjoy the next day. If anyone had told me about this two years ago, I never would have thought I'd be able to employ distraction techniques to the extent that I do, but I do manage to  compartmentalise ( a bit )and it does help (a  bit).  It does of course also depend on how you feel physically after treatment and, with the ongoing treatment, what your staging was.  But lots of luck, hopefully the results will be better than you think.

  • Journal, have a good cry, then distraction, distraction, distraction. Do anything that is fun or holds your attention.  You need to give your mind and body a rest from the worry and stress. 

    And believe me, every single person on this board has struggled with waiting. It's human nature. 

  • Hi Kaiser123, I have diazepam if I'm feeling really anxious. I'm on antidepressants too but weaning myself off them now.

    I have read that having 75% of chemo is a good line to get to and doesn't make much difference. 

    As people have said, distraction works best. I now have a tv in the bedroom. Night time is when the brain really goes into overdrive. The tv is set to go off after an hour, but it's a good distraction and I never hear it go off. Whereas I'd lie awake for hours before. 

    Good luck with your scans.