Still waiting

  • 9 replies
  • 133 subscribers

Hi .I'm still waiting for the pathology report on the biopsy from colonoscopy last week .I have a report sent to my health file .The Polyp that is over 5 cm is a tubulovillious Adenoma.

  • Waiting is terrible! Hopefully they will get the results to you soon. 

  • Hate the wait.  I had to wait 4 weeks for colonoscopy results and then a further 4 weeks for MRI scan.  Got there in the end.  Hope you get your results soon 

  • The waits are the worse! 

    I had a 5 cm mass resected last month & I’m still waiting for the histopathology…I’d like to say that I’m used to all the waiting…but I would be telling porkie pies…

  • It took nearly 8 weeks, for my tumour histology to come back. I have found out that I have the braf mutation. So the 6 cycles of chemotherapy probably haven't done me much good Unamused

  • Hi Sonibee 

    Can I ask whether u had a biopsy b4 surgery ? 

    Also how was it removed ? Did it go ok  ? 

    How is pain , mobility etc post op ?

  • I had numerous biopsies during my colonoscopy but the surgery stated that the biopsies were superficial, and because I had highly dysplasia cells, my Consultant could not rule out deep seated cancer cells within the lesion (adenocarcinoma in situ). So once the tumour was removed, it was sent to pathology for further testing. That result will confirm my stage and whether I need further treatment or not.

    My lesion including 1/3 of my colon & associated lymph nodes were removed laparoscopically - 4 incisions - 3 small & 1 x 8cm midline. 

    The op itself was fine. Post-op, it was painful for me. Bowels fell asleep so projectile vomiting for 48 hours. I was discharged on day 4. I was taking oramorph for 2 weeks to help with the pain and ease my mobility. Then, continued with Ibuprofen & Paracetamol & Windeze. I still take the odd Paracetamil & Windeze when I need it. I didn’t have any major bowel issues - by day 3 the bowels started working albeit temperamental but eventually they have settled into a regular pattern.

    For hospital, I would recommend flushable toilet wipes and incontinence underwear - they were great because it took ages to walk to the toilet, and my ‘nappy pants’ were like a safety net for me. 

    Now week 5, I’m fully mobile, walking around with no pain, stairs can sometimes catch me off guard. Bending or picking something off the floors hurt, so I ask my kids to help. I avoid lifting anything heavier than a full kettle. I’m itching to start driving…but I’m going to wait until week 8 for that. 

    I noticed a lot of variations on this platform in terms of post op recovery, and accepted that for me, it was really tough and I actually listen to my body now, and take pain relief when I need it. I’ve stopped trying to “tough it out” - cuz it makes me miserable. 

    One piece of advice, don’t compare your self with others because your journey will be as individual as you are…Slight smile good luck! 

  • 6 cycles?!? Bless x you’re a superwoman! How are you feeling in yourself now? What are the next steps for you? 
    sending a lot of healing vibes your way xxx

  • Hi SoniBee, I'm down for 12 cycles at minimum! I have a ct scan on 27th of Jan, the oncologist on 5th Feb  to discuss results and next moves. They reduced my Oxaliplatin to 60% but upped the bolus and take home pump. I was having quite bad throat problems and my voice is being affected. My cea levels are still coming down with each chemo,  so I hope that's good news. Due to the braf mutation, I  haven't had panitumumab. I'll be going on to encorafenab and cetuximab combo.

    Wishing you lots of luck with your results xxx

  • Sonibee

    Brilliant advice. I was exactly the same as you with high dysplasia but my surgeon recommended straight to surgery because they don't take biopsies from the base. I was told I had bowl cancer at colonoscopy, by the time I met my surgeon I had fully accepted it and wanted to get on with treatment. 

    I did make the mistake of reading how well people were doing and compared my slow recovery to them. What I didn't take into account was I was probably older pushed myself too much at time. 

    I can honestly say that It took almost two years to fully recover because I developed other ailments as well.