Dads journey

  • 2 replies
  • 127 subscribers

My dad was diagnosed  with colon  cancer spread to the liver lung and lymph  nodes in October. 

They were lookig to start him on chemo but he's to unwell for this .

This last week he has deteriorated massively and for the last few days bleeding constantly from his back passage.

Does anyone know anyone who can advise what is the best for dad .

Mum wants him to go to ashgate the end coming sooner rather than later ?

  • Have you contacted his care team? I would consider this deterioration as an urgent situation.  Constant bleeding could be life threatening.  

    However, this does not necessarily mean the end is near. They may be able to help him and get him to a better stable condition. 

  • Th ey have been we have had the emergency doc out twice  on fri mornig 3am and then again around 11 am  hence the discussion of ashgate ..luckily  my sister in law is medically trained so she can clean him thoroughly  when the carers are not around ... he's been prescribed some tablets supposedly to slow it down but it's not really doing anything ... 

    She's been twice tonight as I can't do it alone .and mum is in her early 70s so not strong  enough to help .

    Friday night he wasn't as bad with the bleeding 

    But thank you for replying