
  • 4 replies
  • 129 subscribers

Hi everyone,  does anyone else suffer from cramps? I am particularly suffering in my calfs and side, from armpit down. 

I'm drinking around 3 litres of fluid a day to flush the chemo from my system, could it be too much?

Just had my finial infusion cycle 5 of capox.

Radiotherapy prior to that 

Take care and TIA

  • Hi  Yes I remember having cramp for the first couple of days after my infusion especially when going upstairs. Perhaps you could try having a diarolyte or isotonic drink to replace any minerals that are getting flushed out with the water?

    Congrats on getting through it tho - hope you’ve got something nice planned for after that last capecitabine tablet?

    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • Christmas Dinner Smiley. Good idea on the isotonic drinks, I forgot I used them during the radiotherapy and they really helped. 

    Waiting for an operation now after speaking to the consultant at the end of this month I think will feel like an eternity but the 6 months "long regime " is almost over and I'm proud to be where I am now

  • I did 6 cycles.   Number 3 had horrible cramps in feet and calves, had problems getting out of the car when got home from infusion and had to crawl up the stairs.  Heat helped.   My dose got lowered for rounds 5 and 6, but by then I couldn't actually walk out of the unit after infusion or when I got home.  I now have neuropathy, but that didn't come on until after I'd finished chemo.  Dioralyte for those last sessions was a game changer for me.  I was low on lots of things like potassium, that they wanted me to control with diet, but I was struggling to eat. No one was really listening to me.    Dioralyte made me feel human again.  It will restore essential salts etc.    Keep drinking to flush the chemo out.  Try some dioralyte sachets - especially if you have the mega squits!  

  • Having the oxy infusions made my calf muscles feel like I’d run a marathon. Lasted 4-5 days. After infusions 2 I couldn’t stand up for about an hour after the 2hrs, but it got better. Going upstairs still makes my legs feel heavy.