Dad's diagnosis

  • 4 replies
  • 132 subscribers


I have just joined the Macmillan Online Community as my Dad has been diagnosed with colorectal cancer with liver mets. He went into A&E 2 weekends ago with dizziness, and thought he had some kind of stomach bug. He turned out to be severely anaemic leading to blood transfusions and CT scans. The scans showed tumours in his bowel that has caused a blockage and that cells had spread to his liver. We have been told by a consultant that his liver is very badly affected on both sides, the treatment would be chemo but he is too unwell to be a candidate for it currently. The hospital want to discharge him so he can try to get well enough for chemo at home, but he does not have a partner at home and his house is private rented and not a suitable living environment for him whilst he is so unwell - it is damp with mould and insufficient heating (we are awaiting the landlord to replace radiators this week). My sisters are doing what we can but all have very young children, jobs and one of my sisters is in the late stage of pregnancy, so we are very concerned about how much we will be able to support him once he is home. The hospital have mentioned a care package but from what I understand this only lasts 6 weeks. We are still waiting for biopsy results on the type of cancer cells and are unaware of what timeframe we are looking at currently.

My Dad also seems very unaware of what is going on even though he has heard all of the conversations with consultants and doctors, and is possibly in denial, is this a normal thing?

  • Hi  and a warm welcome to the board. I’ve no experience of liver mets but the post below might be of interest

    Can I ask how old your dad is? It might be that there’s just been too much to take in initially so he’s switched off a bit? It’s also tough being in hospital with all the noise and lack of sleep. Do you have a local gateway to care or something similar who could advise on care for your dad. Would a couple of months respite care in a home be worth considering? 
    Please give the support desk a ring in the number below and have a chat and see what they can suggest

    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • I'm sorry about your father! That is a lot to take in. It is certainly normal to be a little dazed at first. It takes time to process the information and I certainly have had times that I felt like I couldn't take it all in. 

    I'm unable to offer practical advice on his living situation because I am US based and things work differently here but I think Karen62 has already provided some great information.  

    Best Wishes! Please let us know how he gets on. 

  • What is his age? My dad is 82 rectal tumor diagnosed in October. He has a better grasp now but doesn’t understand all the bowel meds he has to take and the repeated bathroom trips (otherwise constipated). His drs never want to even offer chemo, although a chemo pill was mentioned if “strong enough” yet they look at him and assume not strong before ever asking how much he’s walking. His treatment would be for palliative reason to help stools pass easier. He is just finishing 10 radiation  treatments, also palliative, will see if that shrinks the tumor and eases symptoms.

  • Thank you all for your responses, I will have a look at the suggested post.   to answer both your questions he has just turned 65 Disappointed . He is being discharged next week as his heating has now been fixed, and they are arranging a twice a day care package for the next 6 weeks. He is still unable to start chemo and we have had no update on biopsy results or consultant meeting for over a week now. We are hoping he will improve his strength at home and be able to have some treatment to prolong his time. So sorry to hear about your Dad as well Mollee, I hope the radiation does ease his symptoms.