Diet after colonoscopy bag reversal

  • 3 replies
  • 128 subscribers

Hi All,

my husband had a his colonscopy bag removed January this year. Since he’s had it done, he obviously had to watch what he eats but because he’s not eating loads due to have part of his rectum removed he’s loosing weight

He was told to eat bread, cakes and other stogy foods which isn’t really given him the goodness he needs in his body.

Has anyone that has had this surgery lost weight? Or bern given advice what to eat? I feel that there isn’t that support or a dietician after this surgery. 

I would appreciate your thoughts .

thank you 


  • Hi  I was originally told to follow a low residue diet for the first few weeks but then I just went back to normal. I will say though that some foods go straight through me - like salad for example and I weigh about 10lbs less than when I was diagnosed. 
    Once part of the rectum is removed then there is less storage for the waste matter and also food has less distance to travel before reaching the rectum so less water is absorbed causing loose runny stools. 
    Does he take loperamide/immodium? I was advised to take these 30 minutes before eating and it slows down the transit of the stool making it firmer. Up to 8 a day can be taken but start low and build up if necessary as you don’t want things to go to the other extreme and him be constipated. 

    There’s also a thing called Low Anterior Resection Syndrome which you could read up about and there’s also some information on the other board.

     Living well with a stoma reversal or LARS

    There isn’t a lot of dietary support after although my stoma nurses said I could always ring them if I needed help. They say your bowels can improve up to 18 months post reversal but mine are still pretty erratic if I’m honest and I'm 6 years post op. 
    At my final meeting with my consultant he advised me to only to use loperamide on special occasions like when going out but I don’t think they truly appreciate the lack of bowel control that can be experienced after a reversal.

    So try introducing new healthy food a bit at a time and see how it goes? It can help to keep a food diary and you could also look up LARS support? 

    Hope this helps

    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • Hi Karen,

    thank you for your reply, that information is really useful. 
    he does have loose stools and only take loperamide when necessary. 
    My husband does know what effects his stools so tries to avoid them, def will look into the information you sent.

    Thank you again.

    Take care Sandra 

  •   This is quite interesting too?

     Regaining Bowel Control 

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm