Update on husband

  • 3 replies
  • 130 subscribers
Hi ladies and gentleman
Hope everyone is okay as there can be.
I posted sometime last week about my husband.
Just a little update on my husband he went for a colonoscopy today. They have removed some polyps and removed them but they're is one what is attached to either his appendix or pancreas. So he got to have an operation for it to be removed.
While he was having the colonoscopy they're was loads of nurses and doctors around him so was scary.
The team have got to have a meeting to discuss what treatment he needs as he shouldn't be in alot of pain or lost 2 stone in weight.
Just waiting to see what the polyps are.
Just a waiting game his mam had a polyps stuck and they had removed it and that turned out as cancer so we are scared..
Thank you listening to me rant away.
  • Hi  Thanks for the update. Hopefully the results on the polyp will be back quite quickly then they can get a treatment plan in place for him. 

    The waiting is tough so please keep posting - no need to apologise for having a rant

    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • Thank you Karen x

    We waiting on the results of the polyps and then waiting for a letter for the operation for the big polyp to be removed from his appendix. The one what is on his appendix is 6 inches..he is in alot of pain and they're don't understand why and while he was having his colonoscopy they're said that they would only take photos if something is wrong there had taken 15 photos.

    On his notes something was mention that is terminal so that lost me and he won't let me read non of it.

    As I got more bad news today my youngest sister had been keeping it away from me while I'm going through this with my husband she has found a lump in her breast so she has been to the doctors yesterday and been fast track to the breast clinic so that's coming this Monday. I know it might sound harsh I'm keeping everything crossed and hoping it's tissue as our mam had the same. 

    My head is all over the place and I just can't cope with it all worrying sick about both of them now. I need to be strong too.

    Big hugs to everyone who is going through this and fighting this devil of c. Keep strong and all my love to each one of you HuggingHugging

  • That’s a lot  .  Hopefully it is the same as your mum . It was something my mum passed on to me too . All non cancerous but I remember her going to get checked out and I have had two fast tracks and all well . 

    Medical language is scary . But it’s really important it’s interpreted in context and our helpline can assist with that .

    Normally they take biopsies during a colonoscopy as cancer is not the only issue that causes colon issues . 
    Has he had a CT scan ?

    Take care ,


    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000