Extreme Fatigue

  • 5 replies
  • 132 subscribers

Hi Everyone,

My name is Victoria, 36 years old, and I had bowel resection surgery in August to remove a cancerous tumour. 

My recovery is going very well however I’ve been extremely tired and have to sleep most days during the day. 

I’ve been having b12 injections for the past few years as it was very low. I was hoping I would start to feel better now the cancer was removed but I’m still so tired. Has anyone else experienced this? I’m going back to work in November and my job is very physically demanding so so I’m worrying how this will affect my everyday life. 

Sending you all lots of love.


  • I suffer a great deal with fatigue at the moment but am due to have kidney totally removed this week so am hoping not to be quite so tired by the end of the year xx I am told tiredness is quite normal. 
    take care

  • Extremely tiredness can be caused by aenemia, low red blood cell count. Has your doctor checked for this (it's a simple blood test)?

    My partner had this 15 years ago and ended up going part-time as a result but once they identified the problem and began investigations they found it was caused by a bowel cancer (but without any obvious loss of blood). It can be caused by other things but I would get it checked if you haven't had it done already.

    NB she had surgery and chemo and had no recurrence since.

  • Hi Victoria

    If you had been stabbed 5 times and part of your bowel ripped out 6 weeks ago would you be knackered?

    Thats exactly what has happened, rest, 

  •      I see you have not changed Dom ! Hope life is treating you well .


    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • Hi Court, Very well thank you, I'm very sorry to hear about your mum, but equally glad that your still here helping people, you saved me from going potty on more than one occasion!