Treatment or operation

  • 2 replies
  • 129 subscribers
    1. Hy I'm diagnosis Feb 23 ic junction to edema asigmoid colon 10×85×65 mm size soft lump in my small bowl after starter treatment shrink tumour 25×25mm but treatment vary hard so I drop but still my diesel progress 62trans×29ap×50cc mm size increse so restart treatment folfiri @bevacizumaib after 3 cycle shrink 20×31×34 mm size so please what to best next me for treatment or operation 

  • Hi  It would be unfair of me to advise you on what to do next as I’m not medically trained nor aware of your medical background? If an operation is now an option then that would remove the tumour completely or are you hoping that the current treatment would eventually shrink the tumour to nothing? 

    I think the best person to advise you would be your consultant and hopefully you can agree on a treatment plan going forward that you’re both happy with?

    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • Thank you I An Very Streessfull Confused Long Term Treatment Broken Me And Operation Successfully God's Gift Me