What next

  • 4 replies
  • 129 subscribers
I was diagnosed with bowel cancer back on 26th November 2023.  My GP sent me for a colonoscopy because I was extremely constipated and she had asked me to do a FIT test which came back with very slight raised blood traces.  
I did not consider cancer at any point.  My consultant who carried out the colonoscopy even said to me, before the procedure,  that he doubted there was anything going on and it was highly probable I was just constipated!  We even had a joke and a laugh about it!  

When he brought me into talk to him after the procedure he looked visibly shocked.  He had gone very pale and he apologised repeatedly.  He then spoke the words which have changed my world.  You have a large cancer in your bowel.  

Bear in mind I was not ill at all! My symptoms were extreme constipation and slight bleeding.  I had put on weight and was struggling to lose weight despite being on a diet.

Everything has moved fast from then.  I have an operation scheduled for January 29th to remove a foot of my bowel.  My CT scan was clear for secondary cancers but they couldn't see all of my bowel so I am worried about that.  I have lost my appetite completely and can go days without food.  I am extremely tired with fatigue.  I also have put on nearly 4 stone since diagnosis! 

I have 3 children, a brilliant husband and supportive family.  I joined this chat to talk to people without guilt or worry.

Thank you
  • That seems a really long time to wait for your operation, if the cancer is as large and serious as they say: I had my colonoscopy 7th June, MRI 22nd June, CT scan 28th June, then they had a MDT Meeting and told me what they had found and then discussed possible surgery with me 8th July. Like you my CT scan was clear for secondaries. My operation was then scheduled for 19th July.

  • Thanks for replying.  I think I've not written the story well.  I had colonoscopy in November 26th 23 and my op in the January 24.  Then 6 months of chemo.  I just thought my next scan is now not due until 3 months and I was concerned thst was a long wait. I have been reading that they wait that long to see if tumour grows again and not that it's just shrunk due to chemo.  I hope you are doing well now xx

  • Thanks for the clarification: that makes much more sense. I'm guessing they must have found something in the lymph nodes if they suggested chemotherapy, particularly given the CT scan was clear. In my case there was nothing in the lymph nodes or the CT scan so at the moment I'm in remission, though they say I should have a CEA blood test next week and regularly after that, as well as CT scans (two in first two years) and a colonoscopy after a year then 3 years after that. So they do have a plan to keep testing you even if you seem completely clear, as you seem to be. My partner had bowel surgery plus 6 months chemo after they found cancer in two lymph nodes in their biopsy and has had regular follow up checks, albeit at decreasing frequencies since and is still clear 15 years later.

  • Oh my goodness! For you both to have cancer - it's so cruel but cancer doesn't care who it affects.  I'm so glad you're both in remission but I've no doubt each scan or blood test has you worrying.  Sending you positive thoughts and prayers x