Ongoing CT scans with contrast

  • 5 replies
  • 132 subscribers

Hello. Can anyone tell me please? Am I worrying necessarily about so many CT scans with contrast following major colon and liver surgery? It has been one year since my last surgery and I have had three scans with another due next week. It always takes me at least a week to recover from these. I am grateful for the ongoing contact with the hospital and consultant who I see for the results each time. Maybe I’m just getting a bit anxious as I do each time.

  • Hi  

    From what I understand CT scans with contrast do not often cause any issues, have you talked to your consultant about the impact they have on you?

    With my wife they were at one point doing fairly regular PET-CT scans and I questioned the value of those compared to ordinary x-rays and CT scans and they stopped.

    Getting anxious going to see the consultant is pretty normal, hopefully things will settle down in time.



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  • Hi  

    What part is causing you concern ? My mum reacted a bit to contrast . 
    She had over 65 scans in her stage four journey over 15 years and did not seem to develop and additional issues to the ones she was dealing with .

    But please speak to your team about the contrast if it makes you feel Unwell .

    Take care ,


    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • I've only had one CT scan with contrast. It did make my abdomen feel a bit warm at the time. Afterwards  I got some discomfort (pain?) in the kidneys as they dealt with removing the contrast chemical. If you already have a kidney condition you might need to avoid using the contrast. If you are feeling any symptoms I would ask. AFAIK there are tests for kidney function.

  • Thank you everyone for your replies to my post. I am feeling more confident after reading them and hearing other’s experiences. The questions you have asked me have made me think and as a result I’m going to try to be less anxious and look at the ongoing scans as a routine procedure that many other people are experiencing. Also to be grateful that I have come through so much and major surgeries to now be in a position of only having to attend for scanning. Thank you

  • I am 10 months post surgery and have had 4 CT scans with contrast, I’m currently awaiting my 5th. The hospital have always reassured me that the scans are safe providing there are no underlying kidney issues.