News article on trial

  • 4 replies
  • 130 subscribers

Anyone read the news this week on a trial in the US and how it uses immunotherapy to target bowel cancer? I wondered what genetic it is talking about anyone any ideas?

  • Hi I was diagnosised with B.C that an op and a yr later had secondaries. They gave me immunatherapy following blood test that checked for a certain geneb after deciding that was the best way. I had Ketruda I.V every 3wks for a yr. Few side effects but following 6mthly scans im cancer free. I'll still have follow up scans but Im positive . 

  • I’m in a trial called AZUR-1 immunotherapy is that the one ur talking about. 


    Is this the one you were thinking about . A couple of research articles came through in the summer . The other one was to do with T cells with metastatic patients .

    My mum had her tumour sample sent to a university in the last few years and they were researching the role of T cells and why some patients are achieving longevity.

      Great to see your name pop up and even better to hear your news .


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  • Hi Court yes I've been quiet but keep up with the chats when i can. My partner developed lymphoma and passed away after a short but brave battle that still hurts he was diagnosed to late to treat .

    The immunatherapy caused me some side effects , adreanal insufficiency and some food allergies out of the blue and I gather it doesn't work for all but its a got such patential hasn't it