Capecitabine Tablets side effects

  • 6 replies
  • 131 subscribers

Hi everyone 

Wanted some advice from anyone on Capecitabine tablets.

Had tumour removed from my colon about 13 weeks ago. On tablets to as a 'mop up'. 

5 tablets morning and evening, 2150mg.

First 2 cycles were fine but going into 3rd cycle not so great.

Hair coming out

Diarrhoea 3/4 times a day as soon as I eat

Sore feet and hands and scalp 

Very Tired 

Light headed

Ended up in hospital for one day as dehydrated.

Have taken me off for an extra week.

Has anyone else experienced this and has anyone hair completely fallen out? 

Is everyone else on this dose. I never expected this to happen after surgery and was not in my lymph nodes etc. 

Thanks in advance and hugs to anyone going through this. X

  • So sorry you find yourself in this situation.if you click on peoples user names you can read their stories to see how they got on.

    As for hair loss.I was advised to use baby shampoo and only wash once or twice a colouring or other chemicals.I was on the full capox so think my problems were from the oxy part.

    Anyway hang in there and try to plan nice things for the weeks off and for when its all finished


  • I’m m on folfox so appreciate different medicine but my hair is thinning badly. Nurses have advised wash it max 2 times a week in cold water. I’ve got a vegan shampoo and conditioner which has really helped my sore scalp. Not to use any form of hair dryer or anything hot on my hair and get a soft brush or wide tooth comb and brush minimally. 

    because at the start they said you won’t lose your hair it’ll thin. I didn’t really prepare myself for the amount of hair I am losing. I hate having a shower and feeling like a spider is on my feet but when I look it’s my hair. It’s such a visible sign of what we’re going through. 

    treat yourself to nice gentle shampoo and a soft brush. It’s really helped me x

  • 100kt.

    Like you I was told my hair might thin.I would rather have been given the full picture so that I would have been more prepared.then if it hadnt fallen out it would have been a pleasant bonus.


  • Hi Caramel

    I’m sorry that you’re going through all of this just now Hugging It must be very hard.

    My hubby just started cycle 1 of Capecitabine chemo this week. He’s on adjuvant chemo as ‘mop up’ following removal of a rectal tumour in July. Pathology results of his tumour showed evidence of EMVI in the blood vessels surrounding his tumour that were removed during surgery. We have also found out there was evidence of EMLI (although his lymph nodes were thankfully clear) so he’s on 8 cycles lasting for 6 months. You can click on my bio to read about his journey so far. He takes 10 tablets a day, 5 in the morning and 5 at night, each dose being 2500mg, so a total daily dose of 5000mg. He’s managing to take each one roughly 12 hrs apart.

    Now 5 days into his first cycle, he’s telling me that he’s feeling more tired than usual and has lost a slight edge to his appetite, although he’s still eating his usual meals. I’ve been helping him moisturise his feet each night using lots of Epimax ointment, then putting cotton socks on so they’re looking ok so far and he’s doing the same with his hands but using Epimax lotion which is less greasy.

    I know it’s still early days with his treatment but we’re on the lookout for any of the horrible side effects should they rear their head.

    Wishing you all the best with your continued treatment, I hope things pick up for you.

    Take care,

    Roses x

  • I hope all goes well for your hubby.

    Hugs x