Struggling with mums diagnosis

  • 6 replies
  • 130 subscribers

My mum has Stage 4 bowel cancer in the distal transverse colon and significant liver metastases.

She's in a nursing home for other health issues and is receiving palliative care. She's in a wheelchair and needs hoisting. She's not on any treatment as her condition is that she's not strong enough for chemotherapy or surgery.

I visited her yesterday and she was up and dressed. She then needed the bathroom for a bowel movement.... they hoisted her into the bathroom and she was crying out in pain it was awful afterwards mum wanted to go back to bed as she was dizzy and very tired this was at 10am.

The physio was saying there was blood coming outtoo when mum went to the toilet ...all this is so awful and this normal at this stage. I've no idea what's happening and it's constantly on my mind worrying for my mum.

The pain subsided when she got back into bed and she drifted off.

The staff said it has happened before as they are aware of it.

Mum has been given a couple of months now by her consultant. 

Is this normal at this stage?

Feeling scared 

  • Hi  

    I can totally understand why this would concern you and rightly so . She can’t be expected to cope with that for the next few months .

    With bowel cancer you have to consider any potential blockage . I would get onto her consultant if it were my mum and ask for her to be assessed urgently. Only my opinion but I would want to know if she needed help . I have never navigated a home so not sure the protocols but nothing to stop you emailing the consultant . If not possible then straight onto the GP . You need to eliminate blocking. Unfortunately a lot of pain meds affect the bowels so you would need specialist input on how best to manage that .

    You are right to raise this ,


    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • Hi Court 

    Thank you for replying. The consultant did say there was a possibility of a blockage at some point...what are the symptoms of that?

    I'm calling the home soon to find out how she is today x


    The other aspect to consider and you would need advice on this . Normally if there is a risk of blocking they advise on a special diet . Has that been discussed with you ?


    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • Thanks for the information. I'll call manager on Monday x

  • Mums comfortable and has been OK the last few days. The staff have noticed though that mum is starting to complain of feeling cold now and is becoming more tired over the last few days. They say this progression of the last few months of this awful illnessSleepy

  • Hi  

    Glad your mum is more comfortable this week .

    It is harsh to hear that . My mum was sleepy for a few years to be honest but not sure if it was more her medication .

    But being comfortable is a big improvement for her .

    Here for you to chat when you need it .


    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000