New hear

  • 5 replies
  • 130 subscribers

so my story is simple. I had a colonoscopy and they found 7 polyps. 6 were no cancer. one he couldn't get it all but took a little off and it was no cancer. He really felt he wanted to get the whole polyp out so I went back in and he removed it... It came back cancer. I went and had my CT scan and it showed 

The doctor wants me to meet with a surgeon. The Ct scan shows no cancer in my body...will I still have to have surgery  

  • Hi  The honest answer is I don’t know. It may depend on how certain they are that they got all the cancerous polyp away - if they suspect that some still remains then they may recommend surgery to remove the rest of it? I’m afraid you’ll have to wait and see what the surgeon recommends x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • Sorry to hear that. When you meet with the surgeon, I'm sure you will get much more clarity, although I appreciate it must be hard to wait. 

    sending you good wishes. 

  • If I have surgery will I need to have chemotherapy and for how long 

  • f I have surgery will I need to have chemotherapy and for how long 

  • That depends on what the histology report shows. If you do have surgery then the area they remove is sent to the lab for testing and if any traces of cancer are found outside of the tumour eg in lymph nodes then they may suggest mop up chemo. It could be from 3-6 months depending on the circumstances or there may be no chemo needed at all.

    Your CT scan shows no spread to other organs which is good so try not to think about the what ifs and focus on looking after yourself and your health and fitness 

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm