After Laparoscopic Bowel Resection

  • 4 replies
  • 132 subscribers

Hi All,

Im a 36 year old female, I work out weekly and run the london marathon in April so I would like to think I’m very active. I’ve also been a vegetarian since the age of 21 and eat pretty well but was diagnosed with bowel cancer last month. I had a number of symptoms where my body just felt ‘off’ but if i’m honest i only took it seriously after the amount of blood i was passing after some bowel movements. 

I had part of my bowel removed last monday, and was back home Sunday as it all went very smoothly.

However now I’m home reality of the last month is kicking in and i feel pretty down. I’m used to being so active and work in central so being at home without being able to do much for a while is making it harder. Does anyone have any advice on how much walking is ok to do daily? 

My boyfriend lives around 2 hours by train from me and I would like to travel to see him but i’m not sure when this would be ok? 

I’ve had no family history of bowel cancer and obviously have no friends who have been through something similar so i’m feeling really alone.

Any advice from anyone who has been through it or currently going through the same journey would be really appreciated.

Hope to speak to you soon,

Take care!


  • Hi V

    I had a laparoscopic anterior resection in 2017 age 62... spent 5 days in hospital... took it easy for a month afterwards... back to work another month later and started playing golf again... Discharged from oncology in December 2022...trying to do too much too soon can be risky... Email your CNS for advice... the experts know best.

    Take care and best of luck.


  • Evening waddlingduck,

    After 5 weeks chemoradiotherapy I had a colorectal resection via 'keyhole' in 2021 age 70, resulting in two stomas. Spent 10 days in hospital and found simple walking tiring - I knew when to stop and didn't overdo it. All painless but I didn't take any chances for a couple of months. It took about 12 weeks to fully recover from the different feelings inside where I knew that some alterations had taken place and various bits and pieces had been pushed out of the way to gain access to the alien. Been back to 'new normal' for quite some time. If in doubt, don't do it!


  • Hi Waddling Duck,

    im 44 considered myself to be fit and healthy and found myself in same situation in April having had no symptoms and ending up in a&e to have emergency surgery. I’ve now had round 5 of chemo. I have a young son. I too work in London in normal times. I hear what you’re saying. Do what you think is right and ask your medical team. A walk every day if up to it can help so much with mental as well as physical well being. Some normalcy in this crazy place we find ourselves in. Feel free to private message me if helpful. 

    take care 

  • Hi Waddling Duck,

    I'm 73, female, and had laparoscopic colorectal surgery 4 1/2 weeks ago.

    Before my op I was also very active, cycling, swimming, rowing, walking.

    I found I was quite quicky able to walk, and then increase walking once I was out of hospital (( was in 6 nights). Obviously only do as much as you feel comfortable with, you will likely feel a bit tired at first. I was OK doing a 3 mile walk after 2 1/2 weeks. At the moment I'm comfortable having done 5 miles (with hills) yesterday and 6 1/2 flat today.

    The main constraint I felt at first was uncertainty as to when I might need to find a loo. Either don't go too far or make sure you know where they might be in your route. Fortunately I now seem to be past that stage.