No treatment

  • 2 replies
  • 130 subscribers

Hello . We had our second appointment yesterday at the Macmillian centre at our local hospital  following the advice I received on this site. I asked if my husbands stage one bowel cancer was  classed as terminal. She confirmed although it was untreated it would keep growing . With that plus suffering from mid term dementia and aged 81 he sould over time die from either . I did want a straight answer but this shook me I then asked how would we know if the cancer had spread . She told me clearly the sy to expect . Finally I ask if they would be checking on the cancers progress . Apperantly no further scans or examination will be done because he is now under palatiive care . I am happy he has a range of medication to control pain etc . If nothing is to be done for him why does he need to have these 8 week follow ups 

  • Hi  

    It’s so difficult hearing that even if you did want to know . It’s still an emotional blow . 
    Hopefully it will remain slow growing and not cause him too many issues . 
    I would imagine they would want to make sure he is comfortable going to the toilet so maybe keep a wee eye on him .

    Always someone here to chat with . 
    It’s not easy watching on so please reach out when needed .

    Take care ,


    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • Thank you Court I will .